YES to the interest of Goldwings + thespyderboy + anyone else with good games
I like the direction they're taking with this. I just hope they show a very steady flow of her character throughout the game.
Yes you are indeed.
Sony should do one for the PS2 controller!
A beard and a pretty lady is telling me to buy the 3DS Zelda game. Sure thing Nintendo, here's my wallet.
Naughty Dog has done no wrong in my eyes. Hell, I even enjoyed Jak X. This just further puts more icing on an already icing filled cake (I'm gonna get fat).
That or he was upset on how shit the overall game was to begin with :/
YES!!!! PLEASE let this happen.
Yeah you guys can hack anything. WE GET IT. Now stop being a douche about it.
Arkham City
I just wish it was multi-touch
Was honestly one of the funniest showings on E3 from what I can remember.
If they can be grown yearly then I think you have a shot.
Is this purchasable? I know there are a lot of emulation devices, but I'd get that if I could.
Thank you Ubisoft.
I thought we were going to be talking about Lightning :(
I like it. Some of the DMC fans can honestly fuck off for all I care.
My only concern is how heavy this thing is, but at least I can rest it on my lap.