

It's highly underrated.

Question: What I don't get is why make a sequel to a game-

Out of the whole conference, Sony's non-crazy, consumer friendly price was the biggest shocker of the whole event.

Nintendo bring it home. Dear god bring it home.

Nothing short of electrifying.


You're right but I ain't holding my breath for Sony to suddenly wow me (hopefully I'm wrong)

Nintendo please save E3.

You're joking right? They're both pretty meh so far, but coming to MS's level of crappiness? Not even close.

Meh I'm not really into the 3D stuff, but that TV's ability for split-screen sounds awesome.

There were a few parts in that conference where I just muted the whole thing (E.g Disneyland demo), but this demo? I just stared at it in sheer horror.

Both were equally awkward, but at least last year we got to see an upgraded 360. This year was just terrible.

The audience is silent.

Yeah. WTF this whole thing is making me sad right now/

I'm being SERIOUS HERE. Kinect Disneyland sounds AMAZING!

I hope these Kinect stuff blows over a little faster. I want to see the meatier stuff *fingers crossed*

Awesome. I was getting the Uncharted vibe, but with darker tones... and hot moaning :S

Who is the next presenter? Sony or Nintendo?

It's cool, but I want to see something else. Blow us away with a surprise MS!