boy o boy did i misread that! — but seriously, long underwear bunching up in your pants is uncomfortable!
color me embarrassed :D
boy o boy did i misread that! — but seriously, long underwear bunching up in your pants is uncomfortable!
color me embarrassed :D
I've got a few skin tags that I'm submitting to the Guggenheim.
Big Gum has always been a blight on society with misplaced priorities. Sure your countless sacrifice of blood and treasure allowed you to double the amount of mint, Wrigley, but did your Cubs ever win a title?
Yeah, but Sophia does everything better.
Armpit hair is no more obscene, unnatural or unhygienic than the hair on your head. As long as you bathe, you'll be fine. That said, let me repeat myself yet again...
I, for one, love my armpit hair. It's so soft and fluffy!
I've gotten a few side-eyes backstage, and am constantly paranoid people think I'm a groupie, even though a lot of the people I've been around, grew up with the Gilman scene, so I'm never really sure if it's me, or they didn't actually absorb any of the information from back then.
l'm picturing you whipping out some 'jazz flute' in order to have your opinions heard. If that's not how you prove your training, I'd recommend giving it a try.
It is constantly amazing to me the medical conspiracy theories that are prominent among even highly-educated people. There is SO much pseudoscience out there about GMOs, vaccines, nutrition, "toxins" and "detoxing" (ughhhhhhhh), or the general idea that there is some kind of mass conspiracy among doctors to keep…
I found a quote from the director:
Haha, thank you so much for clarifying when she sings! I think it's okay when she sticks to really simple stuff, but the moment she does that smashed esophagus singing I'm out.
I've never even seen the movie (fear of ZD singing) but I think he has some really interesting perspectives about hetero relationships in these crazy modern times, so I wanted to nip the idea that his character was supposed to be sympathetic right in the bud.
No. In his words:
He wrote the screenplay, and he's stated many times that people misinterpreted the movie. He definitely didn't intend for anyone to see his character as anything but shallow.
Not sure, but the women in the movie were all pretty abhorrent as well.
Yeah, I've never understood that. When I was a contractor for Marvel I heard that from a couple guys online and I just didn't get it - like, you want a girl with the same interests but she better not ever talk about it and also she better have the exact same opinion as you?
Nope. He just makes one face and it's "I'm tired and I just pooped my pants" and I cannot. stand it.
THIS WAS AMAZING! I grew up in a music junkie family, with a dad who played guitar, a brother who later followed suite, and then eventually picked up drums myself. If you're a girl, and a drummer, expect a SHIT TON of crap from the guys you play with. Oddly enough, if you can withstand it, work your ass off, prove…
I had a day yesterday that speaks to this so perfectly. First I had to listen to my male coworker - who never shuts up - try to teach me about my own job, then I had to listen to a male faculty member "teach" me (I'm a univ. librarian) about research in his area (already knew 99% of it, but he acted like I was just…
Oh God, this, yes.