
I will say this... The classiest "anti-Valentine's Day" display I've seen is a single acquaintance of mine who created a public Facebook event called "Occupy Valentine's Day with RANDOM ACTS OF LOVE".

Her premise is basically that there's no reason to restrict a day that celebrates love to romantic love only, and that

Ugh, this. Is it really so hard to just not participate in holidays that you don't enjoy, or are somehow irrelevant to you? I'm not Jewish and I feel absolutely no compulsion to go out and celebrate "Anti-Rosh Hashanah" day every year. I mean, if you aren't interested in romance, partnership or cheap candy and cards

Any comment on the roughness of the breasts?

I think we can all agree that the worst offenders on Valentine's day are the following people on social media:

This. This is the first year ever that I will have a Valentine in the sense that I'm not single. Before that, I was never anti-Valentine's Day. I love to celebrate things with the people that I love, so Valentine's Day is a good excuse for that. The past 4 years in college, I would get a package from my mom with

I think the best way to deal with Valentine's is to make it about all kinds of love like little kids do: love for your family, love for your coworkers, love for your partner, love for your pets. A kitschy holiday about hearts does not need to hurt anyone, everyone can be happy and pink and red. Send your mom a card if


You are given a 3 lb leniency weight. (example- if your goal weight is 114, you are allowed to weigh in at 117 without being considered over) (caveat-if your goal weight is 114, don't even bother trying out fatty)

No slouching breasts.

I love this.

I am so gratified to know that others have my Hobbit house fantasy. All the nice wood trim of a craftsman, plus the curvilinear coziness!

I know because several Pawneeans tried to eat them, and they didn't digest. See the results on my new segment, "Your Terds with Perd."

Blah blah diamonds are the worst wake up sheeple blah blah blah I love my blood diamond it's so sparkly blah blah all my jewelry is made of hemp blah.

The truth about Chocolate Diamonds is, they're not edible.

Pretty! I've always thought clear diamonds were kind of boring. We went with an aquamarine for my engagement ring and I love how pretty it is, and how much less it cost!

The worst part about all these crappy "chocolate diamonds" is the ugly-ass settings they put them in. Yours is lovely!

Is he Gay Loki? Because I would watch that.

Love both of those!

You'd think if she was going to bother changing her first name to Sexy, she might as well change her last name too. Like Sexy Willowtree or Sexy Magnoliatree. Those are free-spirited trees! Crabapple trees are not free-spirited or sexy.

This is the only "Sexy" that matters.