
What really chaps my ass is that the viability of that fetus should NEVER have mattered. She had wishes, they were clear, her tissue was kept alive anyway against her and her family's directives. Because GOD FORBID a fetus die because its mother was struck down by an embolism. This should have been the sad loss of

Girlfriend, dudes think about possible sex with every decent girl they see. So, save yourself some time - if a guy doesn't ask YOU out, he's not into you. Dudes who are interested will make excuses just to be near you . Learn to observe + notice.

Was I the only one who rooted against Ducky in Pretty in Pink in favor of James Spader?

I'm giving myself an Adult Award this week because the other day I asked a guy out, he said he wasn't interested, we had a conversation about it, and now we're going to continue being friends and I feel good about it.

Yep. Or universal health care or subsidized child care or any kind of social safety net. Having children has become a luxury of the rich.

Well, this is what happens when wages are stagnant for 3 decades and there's no such thing as family leave.

Really, Palin should be pro-choice, because the right to choose has given her great personal satisfaction. Without the right to choose, what she and Bristol did would not have been choosing not to have an abortion, but merely following the law. And then she couldn't be all smug about it like she is now, which would be

Exactly! Plus, there's that issue of having the money and time and health insurance to care for a child who is born so severely disabled. And, you know, the mental health and fortitude and all that. Watching your child die (slowly) is just an awful thing to go through, I can't blame anyone who says, "No thanks, that's

"CHOSE" really stands out for me there. Having a child was apparently the right choice for Palin. Not having a child is the right choice for many, many women and they should be given the same opportunity.

I can usually ignore her idiocy, but every time she brings her disabled son back into the spotlight for the sole purpose of bragging about how she chose life I just get so sick with rage. The implications of it are fucking heartbreaking.

Santorum loves this line, too, since his daughter has Trisomy 18. My cousin was born with Trisomy 18 and died at 5 months. It was heartbreaking for the entire family. My aunt gets absolutely ragey when you mention Santorum, because as she says, even if she had known (the tests weren't conclusive and her doctors

Yeah, just picturing my mom posting pictures of my disabled brother every year with a note saying, "I could have had an abortion, but I didn't. Don't I deserve a medal of honor?" Ugh.

Does this mean that Sarah Palin has decided to parlay her political capital into a career as a holiday/anniversary troll? "Whatever you're remembering, I'm here to talk about how you're wrong for remembering it—and remind you that this event is actually about me."

I'm bothered that the primary message here turns into, "I totally could have aborted my disabled child but I totally didn't." Ugh. Gross. Stop acting like choosing to have your baby and not abort him b/c he is disabled was fucking heroic, you fucking dick.

ETA: And maybe if you'd educated your fucking devil spawn about


"It must be noted for all the Dowager Countess devotees that you cannot play as a member of the family. But of course that would make the game entirely too tedious, as the only tasks would be "brood" (Lady Mary), "get jilted" (Lady Edith, poor thing), or "fuck something up again" (Lord Grantham)."

But middle schoolers aren't adults and the school environment isn't the same thing as a working environment. I struggled in STEM classes because the boys always dominated the conversation and they tended to be more competitive, so I felt a lot of pressure not to speak up and potentially give the wrong answer and risk

My high school experience would have been so much better if it had been segregated for my main academic classes (band, lunch, whatever, keep on keepin on). Teenage boys, particularly in my school, were always trying to push the boundaries of what was acceptable levels of sexism—trying what they could get away with by

Sigh... It would be great if girls in junior high could have STEM classes where they didn't feel dominated by boys, but on the other hand... It could end up like that episode of the Simpsons.