
The problem is doing away with this image of all prisoners being equal. There are worlds of difference among a repeat low-level drug user offender, someone incarcerated for tax fraud, a violent and habitual child/spouse abuser, and a serial child molester/murder/etc.

Violence against prisoners only creates more violent prisoners - and since most of them are not in there for life, it's us that pay when they're released. Even from a purely pragmatic perspective, if we do not want criminals to commit more crimes, the solution is not to make them more angry and violent in prison and

Conjugal visits aren't just about sex. So before anyone is like LOL IF U CANT DO DA TIME~~~ The prison my ex stayed in didn't allow him to have physical contact with anyone for 8 months. And yeah, the fucker was an asshole, but his crime was testing positive for opiates 2 days after his wisdom teeth got ganked out at

By that logic nothing should made better for anyone anywhere because there is always someone who has it worse.

Truth! I once worked as a cleaning lady and was covering for a co-worker at this house I'd done only once before. The client and her four-year-old daughter are in the house while I clean. The kid's room is a hot pink mess—toys covering the floor and every surface, so I just skip it. Later, as I'm cleaning the kitchen,

Reporters do it more than anyone, I think. When a sad news story involving a child comes on the news you can bet some reporter will be putting on the concerned/frowny face to opine, "As a parent, I really feel for these people." Which leaves me screaming at the television, "Of course anyone without children couldn't

Ha! I never grow tired of being told that when I have children I won't be able spend money on frivolous things like whatever I have done for travel, restaurants, or new things. But an $800 stroller that sweetie will grow out of in months? That's just necessary.

Ooof. Mutter Museum Bottle, does not sound appealing. I can't help picturing bottles/jars of formaldehyde being poured into champagne glasses. With tiny, pickled organ garnishes.

I feel the exact same way.


Every time I have to hear a bride tell me about this unique offbeat idea from Pinterest it takes everything to not say "Oh you mean that gigantic social media Pinterest where 175 people pinned the same unique offbeat idea? Tell me more!"

The offbeat bride is a lie by etsy and the wedding industry. Are you having a wedding? You are not any more offbeat than any bride.

Oh hipsters ironically having traditional wedding with their "unique" "non traditional" accents that make them different and better than everyone else.

Fuck the highway robbery that is the engraved invitation racket. When my mom (Type A all the way, bless her) came out for a weekend to help me get organized, we both fainted dead away at the outrageous pricing for those damn slips of paper that were just going to end up magneted to fridges and then recycled. So she

S-shape isn't exactly new, is it?

Disclaimer: I hate the wedding industry. I do. It places unrealistic and disproportionate expectations on what's actually important (you know the marriage part as opposed to the one day) and contributes to gross consumerism and materialism.

By wearing a bra that fits properly.

my dad, 50-yr-old down to earth stoner, could care less about celebs or pop culture about anything other than Neil Young, but he just moved to nyc and lives on the same block as Cameron (her boyfriend maybe?). they've ended up walking their dogs at the same time of day on a pretty regular basis, and she has officially

This story has been giving me a rage stroke every day since I heard about it a few weeks ago. Recurrent, increasingly more violent rage strokes. I better hope I am not fucking pregnant, I have a DNR.... but I live in Texas... soo....

If your tux likes other cats, do it! I'm really glad I ended up with a pair - i think they provide each other with stimulation that human interaction just can't :) Plus, orange cats just can't be beat!