
SCOTUS says that money = free speech.

well part of the problem was the Puritans were not so pure when It came to sex, and Unwed mothers were common and did not have stigma attached to it. In 1600s betrothed were though to be almost married and so it was common for woman to be pregnant when they were married. The attitude we have today about the Puritans

"most people raped due to a drug are raped thanks to just alcohol and nothing else."

Your analysis of HG is spot on.

I think that Octopus has had it with the Octaparazzi coming down and bothering it all the time.

The EU directive only means that experimentation on cephalopds is regulated, such that any harm or distress needs to be scientifically justified. The same goes for experimentation on rodents for example, where 'unnecessary' means are the experiments worth the procedures we're going to carry out.

In Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' Sethe, an escaped slave, slits her infant daughter's throat (intending to kill herself after) because she believes that she is about to be recaptured and it is better to be dead than to subject her daughter- and herself- to unending sexual and mental torture. It seems that Emily was in a

I too would be happier if Nolan kept paying her. But I did appreciate that it was less "Geeze, Nolan, you're just too awesome for me to accept your money" and more "you are now my recreational sex, not my business sex."

Also don't forget to take everything you need when traveling. I'm using this tool to create travel lists for different occasions and that has helped me to keep good track on what I need, where and when. Hope you find it useful too.