
Is it honestly that crazy to challenge climate change?

I doubt that.

I think it's hard for cispeople to understand how someone can feel like their body is "wrong." I don't think that transgenderism is necessarily a biological thing (something that's biologically inevitable), and I don't think it's necessarily an entirely social thing (something that could happen to any biological

River can't regenerate in "The Forest of the Dead" because of the way their solution to the problem (can't remember exactly) would have worked—it would have been too fast for anyone to regenerate. That's why she sacrifices herself, because she knew that the Doctor wouldn't have been able to sacrifice himself. So even

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Which reminds me of this, because "toxic man-friends" aren't "frenemies." They're "my abusive ex-husband" or "that guy who raped me" or "the guy who stalked me." Less "toxic" in a hahaha self magazine! way and more "toxic" in the way that plutonium is toxic. As in, not fun.

I bet part of this is that we define "friend" as strictly platonic. I bet if the question was like, "Have you ever had a toxic friend with a vagina? How many*? Have you ever had a toxic romantic relationship with a dude? How many?" the difference between the number of toxic ladies and the number of toxic men would be

Also it's "tubal ligation" not "tubal litigation." Although, hilarious typo.

I mean, I agree that technology is good and all. And I don't think anyone on io9 is actually suggesting that technology is bad. I do think that lots of people who get access to technology are bad, and they use technology for bad things.

Isn't saying something like, "You're not the one I wanted, I want you to leave, I want to you leave, please leave, No no please leave" etc the same thing as not consenting? What does a woman have to do, precisely, to prove "non-consent" in your eyes? I mean I think that saying that she didn't want to fuck him and

Mentally ill does not equal psychopath.

Yeah I was like, are those all dudes? Yes, yes they are all dudes. Why are they asking only dudes to design tattoos for only lady-parts? That is fucked and and sketchy, and the more you think about it the sketchier and more fucked up it gets.

Just because the computer required the press, doesn't mean the computer isn't in the same realm of revolutionary technology as the press. I mean, obviously without the printing press none of this would matter—the use of the printing press lead to never-before-seen literacy rates—but the computer and it's effects have

Looking like assholes doesn't matter when you've got a revenue of 10 BILLION DOLLARS.

What exactly do you mean by "admitted liar"? You've never lied before? Ever?

Here is an interesting link about lying on immigration papers when seeking for asylum: []

Katsa from Graceling. Kristin Cashore is also very good at sticky characters.

I'm sorry, why are you talking about American history and it's long traditions of racism? Why the Revolutionary War? Why WWII? I am not sure what that has to do with you being proud of the British Empire.

Criticizing the British Empire has nothing to do with comparing it to America. Even if I did compare the two, I wouldn't say that America wins the "less evil colonizer" award that you seem to think I want awarded to the US.

This is a joke, right? You're proud that your country controlled a third of the planet? Does this pride you have extend to the havoc wreaked on those colonies, and the consequences of your beloved empire's holdings that we're still dealing with today?

I've recently become really interested in WWI. Crazy shit.