
Well, I guess the super smart engineers expected people to know what autopilot meant, seeing as its never ever meant autonomous.

no it isnt. In english, “autopilot” has never meant autonomous. It has always meant keeping course and speed.

Please and bullshit guy, as if Americans have the market cornered on asshole behavior. Hell, i love the times i get to drive in the US cause theyre so polite in comparison to many other countries ive had to drive in

And to add to P50, autopilot in any vehicle has never meant that it is autonomous. Ever.

Something tells me that page is about to get a ton of new readers. Or at least one more.

Actuall, I thought all the reviews agreed that the writing was not so good, but the movie was still fun. Problem is that SS is neither.

and yet you powered through it

This is highschool pothead levels of scary

This is highschool pothead levels of scary

How big is your bedroom?!

How big is your bedroom?!

This is actually my whole problem with the people arguing in this thread. Unfortunately thats the way the professional world works, however bad it might be. Hell, its not even unique to the US. Look at any business men in asia and they will all be wearing close cut hair,a suit and tie and clean shaved face.

hey smart guy, all those rules are arbitrary. So are you going to fight agains having to wear a suit and tie to a job that required it?

so, since im hispanic its ok to come to work in a suit and sombrero because its cultural? The thing is, that if your employer things some forms of dress are unprofessional than it is their right. You work for them, and they make the rules.

Do you even know what autopilot works like? Autopilot, which is an aviation term, just maintains Heading, Speed and Altitude. It does not fly the plane for the pilot.

Now if only it was actually cheap enough to be worth it (for me)

Yes because no one has ever owned two cars.

I love the movement of that camera arm as it follows the black car!

up to $13 now

up to $13 now

Because nutjob assholes always find a way. Fuck them.

lol two weeks? he can probably get em on a plane within an hour.

Naw, youre getting ripped to shreds because you decided to turn it into some killjoy social commentary. He just posted a funny gif.