
Did you read your words? the only asshole is you. Because you choose to potentially brutally put down someone for having a valid, albeit unpopular, opinion.

I sincerely hope he stays

I love that Lysol gets love for calling someone an asshole while acting like a huge asshole. Bravo.

A new mercedes will still be under warranty and im sure that mechanical failiure to the point of immolation is covered under warranty.

Im sorry, but that was the girlyest wailing ive seen ever

ugh that guy. I refuse to talk about the elections with my family/friends over there because I know that some of em want trump..

I know youre being dismissive but that was my point. Principal dismissed the view that Rated brought out of hand, and I think that Rated has a valid point. I like Ryan Reynolds and liked this video but I can also think that our obsession with entertainers is out of hand when compared to teachers emts researchers and

Oh, im not denying that. I like Ryan Reynolds. I like his movies, his comedy, and his choice in motorcycles. I liked this video and am glad you brought it to our attention.

Might be a shock to you but some of us dont want to be like actors/entertainers.

A completely justified one to be perfectly honest. Americas, and by extension, the worlds hard on for actors and entertainers is goddamn moronic while the people that basically design the world around you, be it electronics, autos, planes, rockets and goddamn spaceships are unknown and no one gives a shit about em.

because it was in their territory. These operate in international waters, so you could just blow it up without a good reason unless you wanted to ble blown up right back. Its stilla us navy vessel after all.

Whats is double clutching?

Because elon is innovating.

I would buy the absolute crap out of that hatch

I hope the next one is a hot hatch. I would buy the crap out of a hatch back.

you have a bachelors in taking phone video horizontally?

Seriously. Its like hes only there to spout nonsense that appeals to nerds and fails fantastically with resolutions and frame rates that were outdated 5 years ago.

Well hes acting like he knows all about graphics and whatnot and then immediately just spouts how 1080p and 30fps is the best. 1080p 30fps hasnt been the best for like a decade, hell the display he is using has more pixels than that.


Im wondering this as well. Hell, I would rather they keep those two and ditch Evans