that lead picture is plaid levels of sexy
that lead picture is plaid levels of sexy
Aw I liked both flags and letters
Want. So much want.
Just try being a manual RWD/AWD hatch lover.
Does it cost as much as a miata? I bet it does.
Putting aside any political twaddle, I want that van so hard.
I dont need my roads smelling like piss every time I drive with the top down, thanks.
I like how the men all look like their characters but the women were given generic anime girl shapes except for the hairl
I would love to know how much this hurts the rider. It honestly looks like a slip and slide in levels of pain because of their suit.
You realize that bitching and getting all butthurt over this makes you less desirable to give work right? I know for a fact that now I would never ask you to do any work with the attitude. Maybe instead of bitching you can also show off your work or ask Jalopnik to do a thing on independent car artists.
What does “Ess Jay Double-yews” mean?
Why dont they just ban people from those sections of track?
It clocked when I read that. Seriously pulled some heartstrings that Im living in the future I dreamed about when I was little.
Hahahah I love it! Where is it from?
What if they decide to wait?
Hideous. CP.
AAArrg I cant take all this ridiculous cock teasing. I wants this car right this minute.
A cock tease. Done.
You would seriously trust anyone paid by a dealership trying to sell you a car to “inspect” a car than someone giving good advice on a risky car that has no money invested in it? You are bananas.