Nope, read it again. The author only says "Rob Hagenouw and Nicolle Schatborn of Amsterdam" which could mean anything about where its actually located. Plenty of times there are articles about businesses where the makers are from one place but live in another. I asked because I was interested in trying it out and…
I would have moved in to Jay Lenos garage first thing.
Bless you kind stranger. I will be doing this now.
Worth it.
The fact that they are bulldozing reefs that are already on their way out makes me sick.
I dunno how much you communicate with your sister sites, but there was an article published today on how the Mars One thing is a scam that will get nowhere.
So... is the food truck in Amsterdam? its not really clear in the article since you just mention Amsterdam as the persons home and holland a bit, but the mentions to US waste and Canadian geese make me think its in the US somehwere
If youre having such a bad time commuting on a bike the solution is to buy a car. and only use the bike for joyrides. Assuming that you live in a country that makes this easy.
Video should be NSFW for showing all those dicks
"Now with all the styling of a bar of soap!
Hes the one that decided to try to personally insult me, that makes him a troll to me. Also, he called me a troll first. Just sharing the love.
It even has a parallel with the books because he schooled you, son.
Dont listen to the boob, that was the best use of "blithering idiot" ive read in a long time.
Defending him? Where have I mentioned him at all?
And "miracle on the Hudson" isnt horrific. Thats why its called "miracle on the Hudson" and not "horror on the Hudson"
Because I assumed he was making a snarky remark while you assumed he was being alot deeper and serious. If you cant take a snarky joke then what are you doing in the internet? Dont like what some people comment? Ignore it and move on.
Wow dude, you have anger issues.
But their souls are being killed so it counts. The only troll is you, I was just stating my opinion. What does it have to do with whatever my job might be?