My ex girlfriend once refilled her coolant on her own. She refilled it by pouring it into the oil fill. A gallon of it. Directly into the engine. Forehead-slap.
My personal favorite is the story of my Ex girlfriend. She was low on coolant so she bought herself a jug and refilled it. Starts the car and after a little bit it dies, so she calls me. I ask her to show me where she put the coolant, and she proudly pointed me to the engine oil fill cap. She had poured almost a…
These are by far my favourite and the reason that I floss regularly now. They just get the type of floss right.
Ditch the donks and put some smaller wheels/knobby tires and im happy
Ditch the donks and put some smaller wheels/knobby tires and im sold!
Ditch the donks and put some smaller wheels/knobby tires and im sold!
Youre telling me that there are absolutely no countries out there that will train a person in flying a jet for money?
That is exactly may take on it! Its an Aston branded Rally Fighter and it looks awesome.
I actually like it! It looks like an Aston branded Rally Fighter.
Bravo on that title!
Ypu rea;ize that you can be patriotic without being George Washington right? Would you not call a military cook a patriot even though all he does is cook? These people are basically inventing new technology that they know for a fact will be used to kill. Try having that shit on your conscience. Every time they drop a…
Seriously guy, psycho killer flags all over the place.
That honestly read like you encountered a time traveling humanoid robot trying to figure food.
He didnt have a stroke, but ok guy.
Because it looks like its father maybe? As in bigger and more masculine.
#1 Because its a Kia