
You are not thinking of it correctly. What he did was invent something and sell it. The thing he made was so good that lots and lots of people bought his thing. The people gave him their money because they enjoyed it. Then another company saw the value in it and bought it off of him.

I am in the same boat as you but for me it doesnt sting at all. It doesnt bother me because he earned that money and if by some stroke of luck that were to happen to you or me what do you think you would do? Keep living in a shitty apartment or enjoy your hard earned money regardless of what people would say to you

No one since they are grandparents.

Only slightly worse than a snowmobile, since it should have snow under it if you expect it to last more than few days.

Did they add the rest of the 30 ships? I would love to get a look at the new ones.

Love that scrambler. If only it wasnt so heavy.

I want that it in red with cross stitched brown leather, high exhaust, aluminum fenders and tank insert and the headlight protector. Or maybe in black.

Goddamit Jalopnik. I had hoped that at least here yall would be above invading peoples privacy using stolen information. But nope.

Want. WANT. The US will never get it.

Soo much want. Plus, I saw this on their list of mods. A high exhaust.

Did the same thing last week. You just have to kind of resign yourself to the awesome.

That said, is there a rear wheel drive hatchback car anywhere? They all seem to be either front wheel drive or old subarus.

I would crap myself for a rear wheel drive version.

Exactly! Its like they dont understand that everyone everywhere already has a copy.

A warning about harming the skin followed by a suggestion of a safety razor. lol.

A warning about harming the skin followed by a suggestion of a safety razor. lol.

soo weird

You know how you win customer service awards? You dont delay a flight over some stupid nuts. Fire her all you want, but for craps sake make her sit at the back or something.

Wow, all the other guys replying are bags of dicks.

IS the average age 49 because its parents buying it for their kids?