America isnt the only place that calls football soccer.
America isnt the only place that calls football soccer.
Sorry, I just dont follow the logic. They made that money and supposedly already payed the taxes for it. For example, my aunt is a doctor and she pays 70-80k just in taxes every year which I consider an insane amount but obviously scaled for her bracket. They can now do whatever they want with it, and seeing as how…
That first video was awesome.
Damn you people making my favourite car more and more impossible to attain.
So you would punish people for saving money? Pass.
You realize that you will never read this article again after today. so who cares?
Who says 500hp? Most people agree than an extra 50hp would do wonders fo the car. Look at the s2000, hp and handling wise it is nearly perfect.
I did add in "Or for other testing" didnt I? Yes I did. Since the article contains only pictures, how about we wait until more info comes before getting your panties in a twist.
Aerospace Engineer, so yes. Did you ever think that this might be a scale model made to be tested in a wind tunnel? Or for other testing? Just because its painted in bright colors doesnt make the design less or more stealthy. It just means that its there for testing.
Thats one of the things that killed it for me. I dont like having to be on the offensive for my life 100% of the time with little time to relax. Maybe if I lived somewhere with less people.
How do you know?
Sigh, aaaand this is why I wont buy a bike again. I simply cant trust other drivers not to screw up my life. But god do I want one again. Ill have to buy a Morgan.
Nooo Youll just make me want a bike even more!
Its because of World War 2 when the Japanese invaded Korea and bad times were had by all. The Japanese were very much like the Germans during that period and people find it hard to forgive. Which is dumb, I dont see that attitude from Europe towards Germany as much (or ever really but I dont live there). and I know…
I think that crazy. Most of the people who committed the atrocities are dead. I think its time to start forgiving. If the keep at it they might end up like Jerusalem and Palestine and no one want that crap.
HAH! I wasnt going to comment further but I believe you just called your crass dick joke "intelligent". It was about as intelligent as a fart joke and not as funny. Get over yourself.
I was a bad "joke"
Naw, Evo is completely dead
Are you really bitching about a guy showing off his sweet ride on a car blog?