The thing im considering is, how many jackass teens has that guy or gal had to process? Maybe its not so much homophobia than seeing a teen acting like an idiot on his drivers liscence. Its not like he would know that the kid wears it full time.
The thing im considering is, how many jackass teens has that guy or gal had to process? Maybe its not so much homophobia than seeing a teen acting like an idiot on his drivers liscence. Its not like he would know that the kid wears it full time.
So original!
I read that as midgets.
this isnt really a graphic picture thought is it?
Sorry but graphic picture is graphic. The thing looks like it came from a porn movie and was specifically designed to seem sexual. If he had shown a same sex couple doing anything else it would have been fine, but of course people always want to go big or not at all. There are ways to show support for the LGBT…
They would fire him if the people giving them millions of dollars told them to. Would you really give up millions of dollars over one guys graphic tweet?
not gay people kissing. Honestly, I would have the same reaction if it was two hot ass topless women kissing. There are places for those kinds of things and a professional companies twitter is not the place. The act isnt wrong but the placement is.
... wait, what were we talking about?
That Im not arguing with. While there are women that are just like that people that look down on people in cheap suits, they are not generally the type of person you would want to associate with or care about their opinions.
it means that the landcapes/worlds or w/e arent hand crafted. They are randomly generated. Think of how minecraft worlds are generated once you start a world and new landcapes are generated as you come to them.
Not all of us are poor buddy. Others also might have other priorities. You can bet your ass that if you were in a position where you could afford a 3000 tux and you needed it for work relatied functions you would damn sure go for it. Not only are expensive suits/tuxs nice to wear but the fact of the matter is that…
God I hope the price stays down for a couple more years!
I would probably just walk to the front car and smash a window. You are endangering everyone with your assholeish behavior. You cannot block lanes of traffic in a major highway.
Ive always thought of doing this for my retirement with a catamaran
Does it bug anyone else that there is no way he could get those swords unsheathed from his back
Also, if I were gay I would drive a miata. They have been branded the quintessential girl/gay car after all.
Holy gods, you realize that that post is from 2 years ago? My opinions might have changed since then. Also, my post laid out my preferences in a logical way. Your pre pubescent self went right for an insulting gay slur. I am glad that you used caps to punctuate your main points though.
Driving at speed is not a problem, but if you can go 80 mph, then clearly you can give the other cars room. Or are you saying that people from jersey are poor drivers and dumb?
A manly man doesnt have to critique or grade anyone elses manly man-ness. Especially if they werent there. Now a bitch, thats who does that.