Whats it from?
Whats it from?
What were those guys thinking with that price.
They should sell these things for alot less. Its like they totally ignored what made the original so popular.
The fact that that car looks terrible.
Let me distill that down for you:
Maybe those US publication know that regular american wont know the distinction so they translate for them. Whho in all honesty care that much about what a new season/series is refered as? Does it affect you in any way? Did someone refer to a british series as a season before they raped your mother and defiled your…
I love it! If they make it I will buy one so long as the performance is there.
I seem to remember another supra concept. Call me when they actually announce something substantial.
Aw automatic.
What you just said makes me feel old. You were 1 at the millenium!
Reading fail. FWD is pants.
Nah, If I can say that I wouldnt have an erection too.
He would if he had the capacity to, hes just too stupid. Instead he gobbles it up even though he doesnt need it right away so that he can use it when he hibernates. So in a way he is hoarding.
My first thought was " Wait, we still have chariot races?"
seriously! Thankfully truck tires will diostribute the weight more so there might have been little damage.
Everyone hates you :D
From SPACE? I think not.
No sound in space
Yes the egoista is amazing! Good god I want one as well. But the aventador is the stealth bomber to the egoistas fighter jet.
Yeah, the Aventador is my fav ridiculous Lambo.