
Because the US was obviously always wealthy and always had benefits that other countries didnt have since immigrants first cave over. Oh wait, the US started poor and through innovation hard work and perseverance became the superpower that it its. Im not making excuses saying that they are worse, Im saying that if

Guns are part of American Culture. Deal with it. If you want to complain about that kind of thing the go complain about Mexico or most of South America or most of Africa and the Middle East. Mexicos death toll in 1 year was 30000 due to gun violence. Africa has a rising death toll of more than 3 million. But of course

Two words: Gun Safe. This is absolutely the parents fault. It boggles my mind that so many parents leave weapons lying around the house. It should become law that if you have children in the house you have to have a mandatory gun safe. Dont give the kids the combination. Dont take weapons out unless you mean to use

Two words: Gun Safe. This is absolutely the parents fault. It boggles my mind that so many parents leave weapons lying around the house. It should become law that if you have children in the house you have to have a mandatory gun safe. Dont give the kids the combination. Dont take weapons out unless you mean to use

Beause thats the way its always been. BB guns are relatively recent but find ma a settle r with access to a gun (musket I guess) that didnt train their sons from early on to use them to help. The problem is 100% with the parents. It doesnt bother me that they were given the weapons but it boggles my mind that the dont

Two words: Gun Safe. This is absolutely the parents fault. It boggles my mind that so many parents leave weapons lying around the house. It should become law that if you have children in the house you have to have a mandatory gun safe. Dont give the kids the combination. Dont take weapons out unless you mean to use

Seriously, how do these parents think its ok to keep lying weapons around the house? That crap should have been locked up the very day that it was given. And obviously saying a thing like that would have prompted a visit to the psyc as well as taking away all violent games until we figure out whats wrong with him (and

Two words: Gun Safe. This is absolutely the parents fault. It boggles my mind that so many parents leave weapons lying around the house. It should become law that if you have children in the house you have to have a mandatory gun safe. Dont give the kids the combination. Dont take weapons out unless you mean to use

Introducing children to weapons early isnt a bad thing, nor is gifting one to them. But gift doesnt mean let him sleep with the damn thing, its not like he really owns it. If you keep it in a safe then you can control when they have access. They can only use them while supervised ie when you take them hunting or to

Two words: Gun Safe. This is absolutely the parents fault. It boggles my mind that so many parents leave weapons lying around the house. It should become law that if you have children in the house you have to have a mandatory gun safe. Dont give the kids the combination. Dont take weapons out unless you mean to use

Two words: Gun Safe. This is absolutely the parents fault. It boggles my mind that so many parents leave weapons lying around the house. It should become law that if you have children in the house you have to have a mandatory gun safe. Dont give the kids the combination. Dont take weapons out unless you mean to use

Two words: Gun Safe. This is absolutely the parents fault. It boggles my mind that so many parents leave weapons lying around the house. It should become law that if you have children in the house you have to have a mandatory gun safe. Dont give the kids the combination. Dont take weapons out unless you mean to use

Two words: Gun Safe. This is absolutely the parents fault. It boggles my mind that so many parents leave weapons lying around the house. It should become law that if you have children in the house you have to have a mandatory gun safe. Dont give the kids the combination. Dont take weapons out unless you mean to use

And that is the cruz of the matter. Its fine to give him a rifle for his birthday but for shit sakes put the thing in a gun safe. How many if these could be avoided if the idiot parents just kept their weapons in a safe?

Im a little annoyed about all the anti gun comments. There is nothing wrong with giving a kid a gun early on. The real problem was that the PARENTS didnt lock the guns up. If you are going to have weapons in your house they should be locked up at all times. His parents should have invested in a gun safe and kept the

Seriously. He even says that hes often asked about it! He even admitted that the reason the HD collection did badly was because it was made badly, and then goes on to say that the project was shelved because the HD collection did badly. Just make something other than metal gear for once.

Yeah well, in this context the Mary Sue bit is quite justified. And the fact that its a woman writing it means its not exactly sexist. Maybe (just maybe) this is an accurate portrayal of the movie. Not everything is about which sex is better.

"Could be that it will get old in time, and once I've "been there, done that" often enough I'll find myself looking for a more balanced car.Sunday 2:30am"

Camels run like muppets!

Just like you are complaining thats its not all japanese!