
Have you seen the size of the universe? The possibility of us bumping into another intelligent race is a statistical impossibility. Looking at crap in pictures and believing its aliens is moronic.

I guess my question is, if its obviously not a novel idea how can they possibly argue that it is unless android uses the same code.

How can they have a patent on this? PC's have had universal search.

I run barefoot all the time, most of it on concrete. You just dont know whats in the grass to be honest. The first few weeks are miserable because your feet are tender and your gait is wrong but it gets better and more fluid as you grow calluses and learn to step properly.

I just assumed they were really high nipples

I remember from art history, ITs just hard to implicate jobs if I mention that. :P

Its sad how many people just dont see it that way. We have plenty of first hand evidence of stars going ape shit and just up and destroying their planets out of nowhere, but nah lets just keep spending 500 billion on useless junk

The trick is knowing which is which.

Am I the only one disappointed because you thought that it actually flew?

No, hes actually right>

+1 for Gränsfors

Or did he mean an actual axe?

How many of the cars you do all those specials in do you keep. After all that time spent in it growing to love it I can see myself keeping quite a few if I could.

I just wish he had made separate series instead. Obviouly I dont know how hes breaking up the hobbit, but the story was great on its own, no need to water it down. Make a separate movie later about whatever Middle earth story you like, but dont ruin my favorite (please)

Yes to this.

Yea, my 4S is perfect as is and a longer screen isnt gonna make me change it. Now, if it was wider...

You give voice to exactly what I am worried about. The Hobbit is my favourite in the series and I think they are making a huge mistake watering it down. It is great because it is so short.

Seriously. Some of my fondest gaming moments come from Chernobyl and I would hate to see them made into a Fallout3-alike. Stalker is great the way it is.

lol, Im not saying your whim is wrong. I was just wondering you thought process for it. Hell my time machine use was solely for the purspose of kicking steve jobs in the nuts when he was a youngster. They dont all have to make sense.