Seriously. I love the table but its stupid expensive like everything else cool that they show.
Seriously. I love the table but its stupid expensive like everything else cool that they show.
I love it! Now ikea need to make on on the cheap.
How are you supposed to pedal that thing, breaking your spine?
"flimsy shit that really shouldn't be a concern to us in the first place." Like them taking down and selling one of our drones to our enemies?
Wow youre right, what a douchenozzle.
Excellent point, except that Temple run is head on and has completely different mechanics you tosser.
When I was watching #2 all I thought was how i would have smacked the passenger in the face for grabbing at my steering wheel. What saved em was the driver braking not some maneuver on the part of the passenger.
You are right, Thats the view i take towards modding skyrim as well. Most of my mods are geared towards improvements in textures or sounds, or ver nice player homes that arent excessively extravagant. Had the creation kit come out sooner I would have had a go of it. Im just waiting for them to grace us with dawnguard.
Yea, he doesnt seem to do much but stand there.
I agree as well. I wont touch any mods or console commands until after my first playthrough. The only exception I made was for a carryweight command. It kills my fun ntime to only be able to carry so little and a million trips is not to my liking so I set my carry weight to 50,000 and had fun.
Maybe it is better for some people. For me, the controller is a hindrance in this type of game. Also, unlike most people I imagine, I have my PC as my media center and hooked up to a big flat screen so i dont suffer from small screen-itis as many do. Also console graphics and glitches kill it for me as well.
Both of you imagine shutting the hell up!
I want one!
Thats why i added "tortured first then killed" by the time he is killed he should have a significant lack of fingers/toes/teeth/and genitals.
Just putting this out there, but the douche that killed all those people was NOT dressed as a batman character. His hair was dyed red (no Batman char has this) and he was wearing full riot gear while he did it. There are no batman characters in full riot gear. Stop spreading misinformation and sensationalism.
Do you realize that legal guns means we have a measure of control. We're not like europe in that they dont have many guns. Our society is saturated with guns, a weapon ban would mean that we would lose what little control we have over who gets guns.
Man, they should ban guns in Mexico, then no one would be killed due to guns!
The automatic rifle and tear gas he used are illegal BTW.
But you take the US as one country (rightfully so) and then take a single country in europe with the same weight. Nevermind that the US is bigger than all of europe twice over. So the best comparison would be to take all the violent crazy people crimes in all of europe and compare it to the US,
Why are people so opposed to the death penalty? He killed 12 people. He should have to pay for that with his blood pure and simple. For one person he should be put to death, for 12 he should be tortured first then killed. Why is jail such a good solution? Who does it help?