
It’s hypocritical for Musk to claim to be a free speech absolutist and then fire people for their speech. Doesn’t matter that he’s legally allowed to fire them.

The point is that it’s pretty rich for someone to talk about how they’re such a free speech advocate, then fire people for criticizing them in public.

This is why you unionize folks.  Until the day that we have Just Cause termination, it’s your only defense in an At-Will employment legal regime. 

I'm pretty sure the writers who called management “herbs” moved on long ago, for whatever that's worth.

As a PAX Enforcer this is obviously tragic news. I would like to urge people in the comments to refrain from blaming this person, a real person who is now dead, for her illness and death.

You don’t have to keep blatantly lying for clicks (or maybe you do, given the quality of your writing, I guess). The 8.6 is the number with A/C on during a USPS duty cycle, not an EPA number. They rate these for 14.7 on the USPS cycke without A/C, which is a vast improvement over the LLV, particularly when accounting

The SEC seems to be a toothless tiger these days; and they definitely won’t bite the hand that feeds them. Unless you pull a Theranos and burn the wrong people (aka the established rich), there don’t really seem to be any serious consequences for running afoul of the SEC. 

Libertarian=Republican who smokes dope.

Libertarians ain’t nothing but republicans in tinfoil hats. Which is to say, today’s libertarians ain’t nothing but republicans. 

These people are deeply embarrassing.

See also: Apple, Nest.

Upper middle class tech illiterate people really fall into the “Your property is your personality” trap much more easily than other people.

You know what I’ve never done after forking over tens of thousands of dollars to a company to buy their product? Volunteer as their PR department as so many of these Tesla fanatics do. Has Tesla ownership become ingrained into their personality that they take any perceived slight as a personal attack?

Wait a minute…

How else are they going to pay down that E-1 and up financing?

The kind of people who buy Teslas already have at least one other car in their garage they can drive when the Tesla fails. No one cares about quality because it is still a status toy and not a working tool.

I can see Musk demanding something like this, but in the face of Apple’s dominant position (at that time), I can well see Tim Cook’s reaction being “GFY”, per the myth above.

Also, it’s how his previous big corporate merger(Confinity and worked, where he gave the exact same condition, and it was accepted

Wait, Reddit is full of immature, self-absorbed assholes who think they’re gods among men?

Motherfucker, PLEASE. The book isn’t anti-autonomous cars at all. I fucking WISH writing anti-Tesla articles made one tiny bit of difference on book sales. It doesn’t. And I’m not anti-Tesla. But if this is your reaction to this story, perhaps you should seek out your clergyperson or a trusted relative. Maybe a