It has to be that big. Twice a year I tow a 12-foot travel trailer.
It has to be that big. Twice a year I tow a 12-foot travel trailer.
Overconsumption of Polteageist may result in Muk.
Spot on. Having worked with ReedPop in the past via my job, they’re usually pretty on the ball about the events within their cons. I imagine it was just overlooked until someone who know more about these guys reached out to those with some power and they shut it down.
It’s so odd because ReedPop also does both SD and…
Kinja continues to Kinja in new and exciting ways. This one worked. Thanks! Looks like a necessity for wearing pins out anywhere.
Kinja continues to Kinja in new and exciting ways. This one worked. Thanks! Looks like a necessity for wearing pins…
That sounds great, but that link is just giving me the 404 dogs
That sounds great, but that link is just giving me the 404 dogs
I had a conversation about just this with some friends and I’m actually more excited that Fallen Order is returning to the feel of the original trilogy and not the constant, action-packed vibe of the prequels. A lightsaber is supposed to be difficult to use, and even when you master it, it’s not like you should be…
Counterpoint: Australians. Put a bed on and a powerful mill in anything, and it’ll sell thousands here if it’s reasonably priced.
(So they won’t sell a fucking one of them here, but still, if they were reasonably priced...)
He was like Clarkson without the “accidental” racism.
man if you think this is bad, you should see what John Wick does to people who steal his car.
Fun facts - the chap flying in that video is the guy that trained the Pilot in the article video. He’s also got an Astounding Moustache, and is also named Aaron, though it’s his last name - Chuck Aaron.
If anyone was wondering what that noise was, it’s the sound of goalposts whizzing by with greater acceleration than a Ludicrous-mode Tesla.
It's weird that the more the stock price collapses the less visible the Cult Choir is
The irony is, If you’d have said that around Tesla fans a week ago, or even just a few days ago, you’d have twenty dudes in your face explaining to you how you don’t know anything about business and Tesla is the most successful company in the history of corporations, actually.
Speak for yourself.
I absolutely do not have to admire that.
I just will never understand people that will defend this game not having an easy mode.
I don’t have the time for hard games like this. Everyone constantly recommends the souls/bloodborne games, and I don’t have time in my life for this wash/rinse/repeat gameplay. I don’t mind really long RPGs because I can play them for 1-2 months and always be seeing new stuff and getting more story and character…
As someone with rheumatoid arthritis, I definitely understand the pain that comes from games that require a lot of rapid button pressing. I used to absolutely adore the Project Diva rhythm games for example, but I just can’t play them anymore, at least not at the high difficulty settings. Just a few songs will wreck…
I just will never understand people that will defend this game not having an easy mode. If normal mode is darksoul hard and then there’s just one easy mode for other, then what is the problem? Your normal soul-esque difficulty is still there, so let others enjoy the game in another way. I don’t understand how you can…
I never liked games with just one “difficulty”. I prefer my first playthrough to be on easy, so I can enjoy the story, and once I got the hang of the gameplay, then I kick up the difficulty for more of a challenge. But getting that challenge right from the start is a buzzkill for me.