
Tesla really isnt all that successful. This is a company that is struggling to make cars at a decent pace, arent really selling all that well, and have numerous quality control issues. How can you say that they are successful when they have never posted anything near a profit? If it wasnt for the billions Musk has or

Oh, I don’t know, I’m looking forward to the Jeremy Clarkson beat-em-up minigame.

in lame man’s terms, more intakes than exhausts means less dust. more exhausts than intakes means more dust.

Except, the point is, they don’t know it. Most of the time, they’re actually kind of clueless. For example, for some reason, they almost universally seem to know the lowest age of consent possible, but without regard for the fact that they don’t personally meet the circumstances required for those laws to apply.


Telling indeed. And they’ve always got an implausible excuse, like they only know because they looked it up as teens, to make sure they didn’t go to jail - yeah, because teenagers are known around the world for being bastions of forethought and careful consideration of the consequences of their actions, and digging

“Encyclopedic knowlege” implies a lot more than just your own state. Not to mention - that doesn’t happen. No sixteen year old is checking that shit, and few would know what sweetheart laws are to even check for them beforehand even if they did.

Unless you’re suggesting that teenagers, particularly teenage boys, are

For sure, holy red flag Batman! And the conflation of a grown man going after a 16 and a one year age difference is.........telling, in all the wrong ways.

Not to mention how fucking creepy it is that a surprising amount of dudes on the internet seem to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the age of consent in the US(but also seem to avoid having any understanding of “sweetheart” laws.)

When someone is about to date someone and they have to look up the age of consent, something ain’t right. 

Why are there no images from inside? I want to see what it looks like looking out!
 Also, “soft on demand” really sounds like a terrible name for a porn company in English.

You have to admit, Kinja did arrange these comments hilariously appropriately:

Blase indeed. They lost a Prime Minister to the sea for God’s sake!

Hey Assassin_Kensei, fellow random Jalop. commenter. I actually worked for the government in a role that included responding to disasters overseas, where our citizens were impacted. But you don’t even need to have any specific knowledge to conclude that high profile figures visiting these sites are disruptive. Those

But it isn’t enough to make a person a jackass.

Thank you Torch, i have had a really shitty week with the loss of both a grandparent and then a friend a few days apart.

Elon Musk has earned the right to get a mulligan on this.

“Also, keep in mind that, when it comes to actually helping those kids escape from that flooded cave, Elon Musk provided exactly as much help as I did.”

His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.

I don’t get what the big deal is, honestly. People get their leg(s) amputated all the time. I mean have you worked before? When your boss tells you to walk through a spilled substance, you ask “how fast?” Or better yet, don’t ask questions!