

Not really seein' the downside there...

Anybody calls me Francis - I'll kill ya!!!

If the Emperor was given credit 2500 yrs ago - the regular folks had been using it for 3x as long. It's been found in Egyptian tombs thousands of years older - gotta be one of the earliest medicinal plants used, and given the right concentrations would be VERY effective at distracting from pain.

But please don't bring online purchases into store, and ask commissioned clerk to spend an hour showing you how it works. That's a shitty thing to do - I know, I worked retail for years. Also, don't buy at competitor and bring to other store - especially when you tell the commissioned salesperson he's SO much more

As a man, I can say definitively - No...

There's a squirrel in my neighborhood that's been hit by a car - IT is smarter and has given more to this planet than that Palin bimbo.

OK - I was right - Sally Field, ex of Burt, and driven gay by his kiss...

Read. The. Story. Again. And. Think. About. It.

Thanks - there is still hope for humanity

And the sonic "boom" as that went sailing over your head must have been deafening...

My bad - dropped the S.

Will somebody please clue these folks in - I'm crying here...


"Video via Neil Patrick Haris/YouTube."

Sally Field and her wife distance themselves from this revelation...

The day that Ronan & Frank Jr. meet - I want cameras present

Karma can be such a bitch...

I'm comfortable with my choice, thanks...

"I'll lick your bung-hole if you treat me like a star"...