
I saw it - manipulative statistical nonsense.

My owner puts things into my ass...

I'm not middle class, barely middle lower class. I am aware of what having no money means, I've been hungry and had to make huge sacrifices to make sure my sons were looked after. Never dumped them in a park, library, mall or anywhere like that. Shitty parenting happens in all strata, poor judgement or abuse not

If I worked at a library, and some adult dropped young kids off to spend the day there alone - I'd call the cops.

SPCMMC - agreed. Knee-jerk fundraising, if not for this then for the poor young girls funeral expenses because some POS monster took her as a plaything..

Typical GOP WASP - grasp a mote of dust, give 3 minute sound bite about how this "boulder" was caused by X "personal worry point", then obfuscate when proven to be an asshole.

Seeing as how Ms. Lee hasn't really written ANYTHING, but was gifted TKAM by her childhood chum, Truman Capote - her pledge to not cooperate has little to no meaning.

Probably cops themselves - they can be pricks on and off the job...

Many years ago, after my wife and I had just gotten married, I got a job w/ a family friend - he owned a bike store, and I did sales. I had a customer come in for a small item, I served him right away, and he was decidedly unpleasant and snotty to me (sales jobs, you get that a lot). He kinda seemed familiar to me,

Yup - columns of numbers turn to "mud" for me.


This issue has been tried, and was colossal failure - the drug tests revealed that LESS folks on welfare use drugs than average citizens.

The same State that declined to prosecute the head of the Alcohol & Gambling Department after officers found cannabis and rolling papers in plain sight in her kitchen. No charges filed, no explanation given. She was making a hell of a lot more from the taxpayers wallets than a welfare applicant.

Conservative male logic, "My limp penis is NOT gods will, therefore I must get medicine, paid for by insurance, to give me an erection. A woman getting pregnant IS gods will, so I will deny her insurance that pays for that medicine."

What a surprise - rabidly anti-gay religious figure incriminated in gay behaviour.

Ignoring nonsensical you

I'm done with you - go peddle your wares to someone else

I know Linda, I worked with Linda for a year. Sad that once your back is against the wall you chose, that "I" now have to prove myself.