
That was one of my favorite toys as a young kid!

Now playing

When I was but a wee lass growing up in and around Omaha, Nebraska, I got to see the original Bigfoot a few times. There would be truck and tractor pull events inside the Omaha Civic Auditorium. In between the truck rounds and tractor rounds, they would bring out 3 or 4 junk cars and Bigfoot would crawl over them in


Those who weren’t alive or automotively conscious in the early 1990s haven’t the foggiest fucking idea how cool this car was when it broke cover.


Was somebody making powdered donuts inside it? Or is that a thin layer of 1990's finest nose candy? I would believe either one. 

I like it, but it’s got a bad case of Fiero-Kit-Syndrome.

Something they skipped over is that the hydraulic cylinders at each trailer suspension is tied to all the other cylinders on the same side of the trailer.

No. Bad data being sent from malfunctioning sensors causing the anti-stall system to force the nose of the plane downward uncontrollably is the problem. Actually, I should back up further. Redesigning a redesign of a redesign of a different aircraft is really the problem. Boeing should have stopped with the 2nd

I’m pretty much in agreement with most of the other commenters that the “diagnostics” performed by the listed third-party apps are largely useless... at best, they’re guiding you through tests you could easily perform yourself, since they don’t have access to any data other than what you can easily observe.

these apps are not needed unless you suspect something is wrong with you phone.  I wasted 15 minutes doing a test that showed me nothing.

Most of the phone diagnostics is trash...

Maybe I’ve missed something, but Phone Diagnostics is as bare-bones as it gets. The only thing I remember it showing is if something is working or not and for battery it just shows the charge level. Such simple testing may be enough for a lot of people, but I don’t know that I’d call it a full diagnostic test.

NASCAR: Left only.

TIL #1: abuse victims are supposed to have an eidetic memory and bullet journal their trauma, lest their credibility be torn apart.

all jokes aside i didn’t think it was cute whatsoever. even the talk after. he shoulda been allowed to slap that kid into the 5th row. learn boundaries, jesus christ. 

What’s the issue. Don’t touch the man. Those two dipshit parents sitting there like deer in the headlights ought to be embarrassed

Hey I’m with Russ on this one. I don’t care how much you/I make, your kids don’t touch me.

Unless you’re sticking out your arms to protect yourself from a falling player or something, there’s no reason to be touching the players unless they consent to a high five or something of that nature. I get it, it’s only a kid, but he’s correct in his assessment that the parents need to be responsible for their

The kid should have been escorted out.