
Sounds like the start of an excellent and spooky Jalopnik Investigates! I’ll meet you there on 11/22 with some Faygos and shawarma and we’ll get to the bottom of this.

The Henry Ford Museum is great. It contains all manners of industrial wonders.

Saw this car when I went to the Henry Ford Museum. A must stop for every car lover. I was surprised at how much of American Life was also captured there. Stationary engines, rail engines, farm life, first Escort ever made, LeMans winning GT 40 sitting right next to a Ferrari Testarossa with only a Velvet rope etc etc

“Bigfoot runs on meth”

Lord help me, but these, along with their S10 brethren, were my farm trucks growing up.

Trump tweet: See! Fences don’t work. Look what happened in California. A caravan of elephant seals took over a beach. Need a wall... sad!

Beat me to it.

It depends on where the airport is. The small regional airport I worked at in CT had a catch basin on the ramp that collected the fluid runoff. There’s a valve that directed the runoff to go to the sewer or the storm drain. Outside of winter, the valve was set to allow rain water to go to the storm drain but during

22 year airline employee here... answer varies. most airports (especially busy hub airports) have dedicated deicing pads with segregated drainage systems. Otherwise it generally goes down runoff drains. Airports have to submit plans for how they handle this and the environmental controls on this are pretty substantial

I’ll take this one, please.

How do you wash a weighted blanket?
Do the weights come out? Not sure I want this banging around my washing mashine or dryer.  I can see it throwing it out of balance in minutes... even if you try to distribute the weight.

How do you wash a weighted blanket?
Do the weights come out? Not sure I want this banging around my washing mashine

Race. Car. Bed.

Look at all his majesty. Those peasants in their thatched roof cottages don’t stand a chance.

it reminds me of the old stupid Cheech & Chong joke “I was all messed up on drugs, now I’m all messed up on the Lord.” Now the evangelicals are all messed up on Trump, but the speed with which Trump usurped their religious morals is still surreal to me. Watching “Christians” rush to aggressively defend the least godly

Well written.
TLDR: Trump is a poor person’s idea of what a rich person is, dumb person’s idea of what smart person is, a weak person’s idea of what strong person is.

Trump and a lot of the people in his thrall are, it seems safe to say, gone. They will continue walk among us—Trump will be in a golf cart—but they will never come back. They are somewhere else. There is nothing they are not prepared to believe if the right people say it; they will choose the right lie over any truth

But it’s vitally important that they be there at this time. That’s why Trump has mentioned the caravan precisely zero times since the midterm election.

But... she wasn’t the punchline.. he was.

What are the chances that Seinfeld was the winning buyer of this manual?

He gone and he was never with us black folk. Well, maybe the Black Republicans roll with him, but I don’t fuck with the human embodiment of hogshead cheese