
Prediction: There will be a character who sounds suspiciously like Grunkle Stan, except he can say swears, just like Stan always wanted to.

Those two things have nothing to do with each other. This is like saying you’ll never enjoy another book from the library because the last one you checked out was bad. Not every book there is by the same author!


I’m pretty optimistic for this. I just rewatched gravity falls, it’s still great, and I’m still glad they didn’t try and milk it for more. Excited to see what he comes up with! 

If you’re 7 episodes into Gravity Falls and still think it’s bad, that’s ok.  You’re just wrong.

Meanwhile the Venture Bros guys are probably wondering who’s [anatomical part] they’ve got to [verb] to get the notice of big time producers while they slave away on another solid season of their show that will get a fraction of the fanfare that other shows get.

I’d say give up. Most people I know who love the show, including me, loved it already at that point. Sounds like it’s not your cup of tea. All the larger story arc stuff builds on the characters and tone that have been established where you are.

a price tag showing $5.8 million, which doesn’t matter because all 40 are already sold.

Chassis is probably quite stiff, but the styling leaves me cold

I’ve been sitting on this image all weekend waiting for this. 

I blame Alaska Airlines for this. They should secure their aircraft a little better than this, or at the least get some white hide-a-keys.

Mechanics do that.  This guy was a baggage handler.

Came here to post this. Not disappointed to have been beat to it.

And so I ask you, our dearly beloved swath of super wealthy, very appreciated, devoted Kinja commenters: do you know who is backing Musk’s bid?

Honestly, It’s mostly that color. That liquid silver is why “art deco” popped into your mind. 

The more and more I see the of the Chiron the more and more I think that it might be one of the most beautiful cars ever made. This option drives that point home.

That tach might be the nicest anything I’ve seen in a long time. The rest of the car is okay too.

Or Bruno Betti.

Now we have a Lamborghini Huracan’t.

Just so long as season 7 gives me more Shore Leave, I’ll be a happy camper.