
(I like Puck from Alpha Flight)

One of the primary criticisms leveled against Rick And Morty fans is that they mistakenly valorize Rick as a sort of uber-nerd, a shit-talking asshole who’s too smart to abide by normal social rules. Rick is always right, and when he isn’t, he still comes out on top, probably with a catchphrase and an episode-ending

Ah, the Paralysis of Too Many Choices.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.

Dan Rather’s post about this this morning sums up my feelings:

I’m sorry but having Spicer on is bullshit, and I don’t care if he seems like a likable goofball and is willing to poke fun at himself.

The NRA isn’t going to remove the video. They’re a bunch of racist assholes, and enjoyed making the video. Black people need to start legally arming themselves, take advantage of the 2nd amendment, just like other people do. We also need an organization that will protect and fight for the right of black folks to use

The NRA did this because gun sales dropped after Cheetolini won. They need to scare whites and self hating blacks into buying some fucking guns before black liberal monsters “riot”.

Back in 2011, there was talk of Donald Glover playing Spiderman, and I’ll never forget the look on my evangelical coworker’s face after a very brief exchange.

Me “Hmmm. It looks Donald Glover could be cast as Spiderman.”

Him “He can’t be Spiderman!”

Me “Why not?????”

Him...silent...wearing the look on his face of a child

Shep, I’ve always suspected you were soulless. Today, I know.

Shep, I’ve always suspected you were soulless. Today, I know.

Agreed. He’s not saying Pokemon Go is bad or wrong, he’s just pointing out that loitering and wandering around with your phone like a creeper is more dangerous for a black person than a white person.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.