
Yes and that him data 7 of 9 and riker and troi will be back..and I'm sure well see more familiar faces ..its epic 

They're saying Andy Serkis’s mo-cap of the net is this years oscar bait.

Where are the Micronauts?!?

I am pretty sure I won’t survive longer than the MCU.

So true. Very eloquently put.

Like it looks amazing, but

So much for ‘let the past die’. 🙄

According to the site, Ford will return as the departed Han Solo. Han won’t appear as a Force Ghost

Take your star and bugger off. LOL

Swedes speaking Swedish. That’s some crazy poem. That’s the thing about humans they can build technologies to take them places but they take their human side with them. Mars is three weeks... I can’t picture that. It almost looks like Lord of the Flies 

I would do Ezra dax

You take that back! Ezri wasn’t great, but the way the show treated her (though realistic to a degree) sucked. None of the other Daxes has to suffer such a fate upon encountering people from with their former lives. Everyone pretty much told her to fuck off and die. She was such a woobie too (tv tropes).

TV Guide did a top 50 TV Dads many years back and Sisko was ranked as #50 i believe.

Oh Ezri wasn’t bad. She just only had one season of character building. You could’ve said the same about many many characters during S1

Everyone thinks they’re a Picard or a Kirk, when really most people are more like a Barclay or an Ezri.

Nicole DeBoer was fine, I did miss Terry Farrell though.

I’ll take Ezri over the bland smugness of Jadzia any day of the week.

I thought she was an adorable little pixie. A lot of the hate she got was not deserved at all.

Thought this was funny.

This is so cool.