
Ahhhh, nostalgia. EVERYBODY. EVERYBODY!

Not to mention most of the fonts are way too modern, the boot design is really screwy (a combo of a combat boot and his traditional cuff-down boot)and the colors are insanely bright even for that era; don't get me started on the maniacal look on his face either.

This is Captain Amercans modern uniform.. not his war era Uniform..

Does the tie come in olive? I'll need to match my tactical kilt.

My house is already littered with hundreds of those things. Damn kids don't always get them all picked up and the cats drag them all over too.

The tie and the PBR stein look like they could actually move some units. I'm actually surprised the tie isn't already a thing.

Go ninja go


Stop taking about Arkham! You want a Batman movie tie-in, this is it here.

First and last movie tie-in game I ever bought was Street Fighter: The Movie

In all fairness he IS hard to stop.

I dont see nostrils. Dont you even dare to play the realism card with me on this one. Its ninja fuckin turtles.

Down perishcope, shtarbord shixteen degreesh.


That wasn't a freeway move... that was just a city street. Cheers for them for doing it, but your statement of fact is quite wrong. Plus, its OKC, no one cares

Actually the redevelopment in bricktown (part of MAPS 1) had nothing to do with freeways. The rebuilding of the crosstown (part of I40) to 1 mile south of its current position is part of Core to Shore:

YES! God I moved from Oklahoma City a year before this project was started so all my memories of Bricktown aren't as cool as what it is now. I would love to go back someday!

What they did with Cedar Rapids, Iowa is beautiful.

This whole VR craze is getting way out of hand now. Seriously. We don't even have a single VR headset on the market yet that's seen broad commercial success, yet we have tens of millions, and now billions, flowing into companies working on the tech?