OH I want the giant light saber!!!
Funny, but I wonder if he was 'inspired' by this video by a german artist that went online just 3 weeks ago:
Let's just get this over with...
I never tried the multiplayer but I really enjoyed the single player gameplay and storyline.
Railguns? The '90s are back, man!!!
How do you spell groan? A browser-based Trek game? I've been waiting for years to play a decent ST game that wasn't a twin-stick shooter or a under-developed Mass Effect clone. Though I supposed Mass Effect would be the ideal Star Trek game wouldn't it? Some ship management "mini-games" (for lack of better word) and…
Shut up and take my gold-pressed latinum!
I too have been watching the entire Star Trek series from start to finish - although I started with TNG, mostly because my wife was not interested in TOS. I'm in the first season of Voyager now. I'll circle back and get TOS and TAS after Enterprise. I've never watched Enterprise, so I'm excited to get to it.
What I would do for a new Star Trek Armada game is bloody ridiculous.
Yeah I think i'll stick with Star Trek Armada 3, the mod for Sins of a Solar Empire
Janeway personally drove Voyager into the Red Foreman's ship to reset the timeline in Year of Hell.
Kirk's dad crashed a starship into another one in the alternate timeline. Chakotay rammed his ship into another ship into the initial episode. Janeway rammed Voyager into a ship too - Voyager is only not destroyed because of a temporal event.
I still Maintain to this day that the best Star Trek game ever made was Mass Effect. Seriously tho, the Mass Effect series would be the perfect Trek Game.
A Star Trek strategy role-playing game that allows fans to build their dream crew out of characters from every…
The Trailer looked promising. I hope the movie delivers. I have to admit I was doubting whether the director was the best possible choice...
Seems awfully formulaic.
How about why so many people in the MCU look like Stan Lee?
Good god....it has nipples.
Behold: Porton man, the living gimp suit!