
We switched from ATT to T-mobile last month. We added a line, went from sharing a gig of data to having 2 gigs per phone, and got a bunch more extras like service in Canada (a regular trip for us near the border), mobile hotspot and free audio streaming and ended up paying about 60 bucks a month less.

This was a big part of what drove me out of working in radio full time. If you think you get tired of certain songs, it’s 10x worse for the people working there.

You lost me at “hot tub meat”.

Organized or not, those paritions look kinda small so I don’t know how many pairs of drawers I could fit in there.

Never thought of that. Imma get me a lawyer and sue that produce man for what he let happen to my girlfriend!

Mac and cheese and/or die.

My mistake then. I took “only olive oil” to mean only olive oil.

Right, but for it to be a garlic sauce don’t you need... garlic? If you make it with only olive oil then it’s just... nothing more than olive oil.

How is it a garlic sauce if it’s only olive oil?

and they’d have gotten away with it too, if not for that meddeling kinja commenter!

The death of Elvis would probably be the one furthest back I can remember.

Beanie weenies, FTW.

And I’m just sitting in Seattle like...

It all depends on what you’re buying, what it costs and how much you’re saving. Before they sold liquor at CostCo in Washington, I had a friend that drove to California once a year to buy his booze and even after travel expenses, he saved a bundle. Sure, if you live in Ferndale, driving to Portland to grocery shop

I work at a university in the media department where we take care of all the classroom electronics and we have banned any of our equipment from the few rooms that still use chalk boards. Abrasive chalk dust was killing everything, especially things with moving parts like fans, DVD drives and the like. Every time it’s

I was just going to say that Washington has a tax-free shopping weekend. It’s called “going to Portland” and you can do it anytime.