I haz both!
I haz both!
On-Disc DLC is the equivalent of the damned Pay-to-Play garbage that crowds our browsers.
Why does it need to be free? After the game has been submitted for certification, its done. Anything else is ancillary. You still get the full value of the game w/out the extra content.
Borderlands didn't have an ending, since it didn't really have a story either.
Yea...I loved Mass Effect.
I like EA.
4.5in would be my max.
'Nuff said.
This is exactly who I was thinking of. Easily my favorite character to play as from L4D.
I'll assume I have the spells to use it, so Elder Wand it is.
I just buy games when they go on sale. Usually works out pretty well for me.
Nothing like promoting vigilantism to help further this already racially charged debacle!
The government should have no control of the internet; This much is common knowledge.
Huh. I wasn't aware we had made contact with the Elcor yet.
Hacking is not a crime.
Thank you Commander Shepard.
Conclusion: Any mentality taken to an extreme is bad.
Both of these phones are tempting, says I. However, I'm waiting to see what comes with Apollo. My HD7 is still running as fast as it did at launch.
Still rocking my HD7. I'd be all over the 900, but I decided to stick it out and see what Apollo brings.
I actually loved Hunter: The Reckoning...so that might not be a bad thing.