Chromeo El Lobo

Quit cold turkey? Maybe for a specific MMO or something, I could totally understand that.

Only thing Lady Gaga has influenced me to do is stop listening to the radio.

It's not like girls play video games anyways.

I'd probably love these films, had they not called them "Resident Evil"...

I still see a big iPod touch.

@Hongo: I don't know why I haven't seen this before. But I greatly enjoyed it.

@ThirzaLepidus: I'll warn ya right now. I have a feeling they'll have to do something similar when the first WinPhone7 is released...

@HudsonOil: Gizmodo does the same thing...they've been doing it for at least the last couple years a big Apple product is launched.

Why is part of his face blurred out?

Guess this is a good time as ever to let everyone know that tomorrow I officially give up coffee.

What a bitch.

@bakagaijin: If I get accepted into the beta...which is a pretty big if...

Damn you SE...I finally quit your evil, evil MMO...and now you do this. And make me want to come back.

@bakagaijin: Can I be in this Kotaku LS? I'll promise to keep all emoticons to a minimum.

Those are pretty dull...not like our American commercials!

So how much is it to buy the game for all three consoles?

@MR. FAP☆FAP! 。◕‿◕。: A truly authentic Arcade experience should smell of stale soda, feet, and have a creepy old guy standing in the corner.

You know, I'm not one to tell an editor when his article is weak or poorly written (I'll let my fellow commenters who don't mind being viewed as douchie handle that job for me).