Chromeo El Lobo

The movie is just bad. Period.

What's a Machinima?

@logikil: Seriously. This Holiday season is going to wipe my budget and social calendar clean.

@Solid_hedgehog: Hmm. See, I've always been a console gamer only. Couldn't much get into the PC games.

I'll see it...Everyone wants to poo-poo this movie before it's even released.

@gpturismo: Whoa there...while I do remember not really enjoying the Genesis version, the SNES Turtles Tournament Fighters game was quite good, if I remember correctly

Bah...what about girls 18+? I'm much more interested to know what the % of THAT demographic is playing videogames!

Har har har! I'll be in the Bahamas from the 28th to Oct. 2nd! I won't be missin a thing! Har har har!

First game ever? Can't remember the name...some Tank thing for...some Atari system. I only remember you had to quickly enter in some code or there would be this screen covering skull...thing.

Just an FYI, Gawker is still rolling out the threading. Be patient young Jedis...

Too confusing. Just make each thread like a constantly scrolling chatroom, where everyone can just make snarky fart jokes to each other.

The one thing this series has needed has been an all new combat felt so clunky in that thar trucker one.

I'm 26 currently...I had Red, Yellow...uhh...Silver? And that next one that was...reddish.

I played the 360 version. I didn't think it was as bad as everyone made it out to be.

It'd better have Yamcha...that's all I'm saying.

I liked Episodes 1-3...and 4-6.

I was thinking Kabal...but then I remembered that Flash has the same Dash move as him...

@Witzbold: Your toilet technology is still light years ahead of ours...

Just a few more rules for raising your newly purchased Pikachu: