Chromeo El Lobo

Does this thing remind anyone of the Twoback create from Silent Hill: Origins?

$10? Man...I was really excited to try this out, until I read that it'll cost $10 just to BUILD the things...

All you have to do is make fun of George Dubbya in a movie, and suddenly you're considered comic gold.

With the power and gaming potential of the Iphone (especially now that SDKs are on the loose), Sony is going to have to try a HELL of a lot harder than that...thing...pictured above.

No Iphone version?!?

I just feel that the people whom don't regularly work out, and are buying this in hopes it will get them to work out, are going to be rather disappointed in a few months.

Scrap the outdated gameplay style, keep all of the creepiness , disturbing music/sound effects, and storyline, and you've got me sold.

Can't say I'm really that surprised...I mean, Nintendo has been moving away from the core "gamer" demographic for some time now. They've taken a new approach to marketing, a new approach with game play, and a new approach with content, and have found that they're making more money because of it.