
Seconded, thirded and fourthed (I found a couple of friends to pitch in).

Thanks! That may indeed be a worthwhile investment.

We tried salt, and it helped, but it didn't quite fill in the blanks. My wife and I have varying levels of salt tolerance (though they both range toward 'high' given that we both have low blood pressure) and we always use a fair amount of salt.

Thanks! I'll check it out.

So, I love cooking and creating new things by, say, finding a recipe and going Hollywood on it—keeping the name and maybe the principle, but basically changing out the stuff in it for stuff I like.

Wow, they're not even going to release their source code and let some enterprising FOSS team continue the project? Just taking their ball and going home? That makes it even more sad.

Is there any talk of Winamp releasing their source code so that some FOSS project can continue keeping it alive, or are they just gonna take

This is very interesting. As the kind of person who hates those sort of engagements, I will have to try this the next time I get dragged into one. Thank you.

I didn't even need to click 'Play' to know exactly what Fletcher is about to scream into that phone =)

Oh good, another application which get you slapped on an NSA watchlist simply for downloading. =)

I just checked, and my local library has a license according to the site. Looks like it's time to go get a library card!

Wunderbar! Ich kanns kaum erwarten! =)

When/if they add German to their lineup, I will have to see if any of the libraries in my state have access at that point. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it, though. What a cool idea =)

I second this question. We already use a string of bells for the inside, but right now when she wants to come in my 160-lb Newfoundland likes to scratch at the outside door, which is rather difficult on the door.

I always felt that Sarah Kerrigan had more in common with Sylvanas Windrunner, TBH. Like, that they were basically the same person.

I would add the caveat that while these things might work for mainstream literature, you need to be aware of the conventions of your genre.

Yeah, this one is key. My grocery bill can vary by as much as $15 depending on whether I go before or after lunch...

Ah, you're right. Apologies.

I can't believe I read the whole thing. Also, you just Godwinned this conversation.

And if you can use the words "grounded" and "Elon Musk" in the same sentence without the word "not" anywhere in there in a comparison, then you just KNOW the guy you're talking about is off the friggin' chart.