"Those clowns in Congress did it again. What a bunch of clowns."
"Those clowns in Congress did it again. What a bunch of clowns."
It's not the fridge; everything else keeps without a problem. It's got to be the quality of the cuts at my local stores, which is very disappointing. Mostly what I do now is cook a meal and then divide it into those plastic freezable containers, which usually gets me 4 or 5 days' worth. It's a pretty good system, even…
Lately, I'm lucky to have any deli meat I find last three days before it starts to turn slimy and smell like death. I finally gave up on cold cut sandwiches for exactly this reason.
Ah, that explains it. My 2.5 bed/1 bath in not-exactly-prime-country NH was 175k, 20% down through some finagling brought it to ~850 mortgage + ~350 in taxes/mo. No income or sales tax here, so the state takes everything through the property tax.
Random question... where in creation do you live that a mortgage + taxes is $400/mo?
Mine's only 65 years old or so, but yeah... traversing the bulkhead-style stairs to my basement on a normal day can be a scary thing, and far worse with ~200 lbs of appliance.
I haven't played a 2D RPG in ages, but so help me, this one I just might...
That happened to us once too. We still laugh about it (I mean... it's the DISHWASHER!)
Ah, here's the quote (from the Star Citizen FAQ) that I was looking for:
It's possible, but I wouldn't count on it going to consoles, even the next-gen ones. Chris Roberts has made it pretty clear that he's a PC guy and that this is a PC game, since that's where he made his break way back in 1991.
The first one I remember my family having was this one:
It's a bit in-depth, but this article/blog post (http://fallingawkwardly.wordpress.com/2010/08/29/the…) touches on some interesting things. After reading it and some pondering, I had a thought: Tamriel might be the only world where the lore actually supports thousands of 'single heroes'. It's just that this time, they…
My Razer BlackWidow (not Ultimate) is a couple years old now and I love it. I type faster and more confidently on it, and it games better too. Wouldn't give it up for the world. I only wish it was quiet enough that I could buy one for the office, too, because the crappy Dell membrane keyboard I use at work is just…
I think Adam was saying that the same amount of debt has less of an impact when it's spread over three cards, rather than all combined on one. If you have $1000 in debt, and one card with a $1500 limit, you've got a 66% credit utilization. If you have $1000 in debt on three cards with $1500, $1000 and $500 limits, now…
Uh... I'm pretty sure that face is modeled on Katee Sackhoff.
I think the point was not to ask "Why?" in the heat of the moment, when tempers are running high and the response is more likely to be defensive than thoughtful. Asking "Why?" after things have calmed down would be a better time for self-reflection, or so I might imagine.
Good for you! I've been building PCs (oh god oh god) since I was about your age (I hope I will never have to say those horrible words again) and you're right... there's no tension quite like the one where everything's finally in place, and you're getting ready to hit the power button for the first time. Still makes me…
You need to change your W-4 deductions, my friend. Then you too could get a check from the IRS, rather than sending them one.
I can carry on entire conversations in my sleep, to the point where my wife often has no idea whether I'm asleep or awake. There's a strange in-between state, as well, where I am waking up and still holding a conversation, and things get all muddled in between (my wife says that I suddenly start talking nonsense), as…
Yes I did. I worked a retail job for two years, throughout most of which I was very happy.