Yes, why can't we have the two dimensional sex bot back? I preferred her, too. Fuck all this character development bullshit, can she just be an invincible super hero I can wank over?
Yes, why can't we have the two dimensional sex bot back? I preferred her, too. Fuck all this character development bullshit, can she just be an invincible super hero I can wank over?
Thank GOD they're continuing to have a hint of realism about her character, and not folded to these radical progressives who literally demanded that she be turned into a 2 dimensional sex machine. I dunno how modern day feminism works, but that's what they wanted.
would have loved to watch this. Shame the shitty video player won't let you maximise on iPad. Sigh. You had one job...
Not so fast on the Fire Emblem praise. I was actually a bit taken aback when I noticed characters could only get an 'S' rank connection with characters of the opposite gender. It was just so weird to see.
Is the island under Sharia law?
Jesus. Look at that. Imagine a Game of Thrones game made by them?
I really hope they take up your advice. I know the worst thing, for me, when plaing a game is having to interact with it. It really distracts and frankly just annoys me. I'd rather be able to just look at the amazing graphics undisturbed.
what the hell was Jason expecting? It's a cute cartoon animal character. It's perfectly fine. Talk about haters hatin'.
Really great video. Well done.
I thought so, too, but you seem to be immune to reflecting on your own posts, so it's not proven so successful.
I wish there was more thought put into your side's comments than 'omg I'm being offended; that means they are objectively offensive, so anyone who disagrees with me is a bigot!!!!'
It wouldn't surprise me if your comment got top rated, because the level of discourse on Kotaku typically rests at hyperbole, radical progressivism, ad hominem attacks, and hubristic social science students demanding we all share their opinion - and typically without them even bothering to explain why.
Something tells me you're looking for a way to derail his argument without confronting the crux of it.
Radical progressives attempting cultural imperialism through imposition of ideology. An ideology which states that intention doesn't matter, that (mis)interpretation is paramount. It's not. Artistic freedom is. And hyperbolic reactions based on a lack of knowledge or misunderstanding is no reason for anyone to take a…
I'm with the Japanese on this one. However, Marth and Ike were really similar. So it's good that they'll be quite different looking now.
WAIT. WAIT. They've not gone and destroyed Battle Mode, have they? This is devastating. I've been so excited for this game for ages. How could they do this to battle mode?
Until there is the right to resell digital products, then the industry can shut the fuck up. They have it good.
you could just play the amazing Game of Thrones LCG.
check your English language privilege.
Did you just... compare some guy flapping his fake wings to electroshock therapy?