

A better analogy would be Nintendo glossing over the numeric minority of ethnic minorities by forgetting to acknowledge their existence.

Awww shyyyyyyt. He gone got da dictionary out, Bub.

Actually, that guy makes a great point. Is this game for straight people only?

No. High heels are.

You have a strange definition of pretending. They gave her an item of gender specific attire.

Basically do anything but dare point out the issues he has with the game?

All of this being true, do you know another character who got a pair of high heels? And not when the character was being disempowered or made less cool; but when the character was being 'cooled up' and made more badass?

Why are you pretending they haven't given her high heels to feminise her?

What dissenting opinion? Pretty much everyone shares your opinion.

Right? And this 'he's so whiny' bullshit. It's like, yeah, I mean his mind is figuratively being torn apart whilst his life is shattering WHILST on a mission to save the ecology of the country and a few hundred lives, all the time risking his own lives. Of course he's in a bit of a mood!

Raiden was supposed to be a proxy of the player. Considering how whiny your post is, I think Kojima succeeded.

Raiden was a great character in MGS2. In fact, 'cooling' him up is one of Kojima's few mortal sins.


Maybe we can collectively get a good 20 reads. Just don't put it on Tumblr. You'll get firebombed or something.

This is just another example of what I call 'radical progressivism'. We've reached a stage where a person'd intention is trumped by another's (mis)interpretation of their actions. No one cares what Lavigne intended with this video, because someone's hysterically jumping up and down screaming that she's a racist. It's

Just went right off the game.

I have a US PSN account, but I pay by credit card, and it's not accepted on the US store. It seems the prepaid cards are, though?

Thank you.

Thanks. I was never sure if those sites were legit. I'll get on it!