
Ignored in email, and in the comment section. Take a hint, maybe? See, a lot of believe the law is important. And that maybe it's not a great idea to just say 'Hey! What are they like! Oh well, better be more cynical next time!' And would instead like to see the full weight of the law slam on them. Much like they

Remember that Kotaku Ryse review everyone was baffled by?

How is having clearly labelled advertisements anything like a company paying a reviewer to never say anything negative about the product being reviewed whilst binding them to a contract which bars them from ever revealing this arrangement? How is that even slightly, or in any way, similar?

I mean, seriously? You think, what, Machinima really just loves the X Box One and is potentially breaking the law, and spending money, to support it?

Of course he missed it. X Bots get an automatic download to their frontal lobe which blocks any negative statements related to Microsoft from being comprehended.

She's sexualised a character who was created with the sole intent of not being sexualised or overly feminised. Great job.

I wonder if he's done any for the Game of Thrones card game.

Because she doesn't say 'Hehehehehee' and blush every third sentence?

Guys, guys, guys! Imma let you finish, but I just gotta just say I was joking! Just making fun of cultural appropriation.

I'd like to try my hand at manga, but I'd hate to be accused of cultural appropriation.

Fairly irrelevant. People from the UK enjoy a regional and national identity. Scottish and British, Welsh and British, etc. many pro-EU people also like to emphasise their European citizenship.

Good on Kojima.

I told you why it's important to see the devastating effects of guns. Tell me why it's important that we all get to leer at sexualised portrayals of children.

Of course they can be arbitrarily changed, so it really questions the motive behind sexualising a fifteen year old than an 18 year old, doesn't it? Now, whether paedos are buying this game to wank over it is beside the point I think. The question for me is is it really healthy and desirable to normalise the

I think the backlash to your post would have been less if you'd left out the disclaimer.

I don't understand why double barrel surnames haven't become the norm.

We'll that's not creepy at all then. Shame British law disagrees. The portrayal of any CHARACTER under the age of consent in a sexual way is forbidden. It's got something to do with not encouraging paedos to fantasise about kids when they're wanking over the thought of fifteen year old characters.

I don't understand why you don't find the sexualised portrayal of a fifteen year old in the game objectionable. Creepy.

Props for one of the most ridiculous comments I've read in a while.

"We have to make sure no one under 18 can be considered sexy. We have to strip the innuendo from the conversations, as mentioned in IGN's article on the image, to keep our children from getting dangerously aroused to the point of self immolation"