
Yakuza's storyline? I don't think it is. Gameplay, such as smashing someone to death if they try and mug you, isn't nuanced. And neither is the unrepentant glamorisation of yakuza.

I think the original commenter was remarking on the rank hypocrisy.

What an awful list.

So many people actually need to make these statements. Making rape jokes in an absurdist way is not a reason for this sort of mea culpa.

As a Brit I know all about island conflicts, ie, the ongoing falkland conflict with Argentina. However, regardless of China's subsequent actions, it's just not true that Japan was diffusing the situation. All of the media commentary was that Japan was about to escalate the situation by returning the islands to

I bought a 2DS and I think it's great!

I understand what you're saying, but perhaps we should return to the catalyst of this conflict. The Japanese purchase if three if the Senkaku Islands from private owners. That is what has reignited this whole thing. At the time, it was widely recognised that this was going to lead to the predicament we're in now. And

China is not going to war with Japan, and has shown no intention of doing so. It is Japan's Shinzo Abe and his nationalistic cronies whom have orchestrated this whole debacle. And oh look at that, suddenly Japanese support for a larger military has shot through the roof. What a shock! Abe and the United States now

"Kotaku extends our condolences to Reyes' family, friends and fellow competitors in this time of loss."

Are you entirely oblivious to geopolitics? Regardless of how heated the island debate between Japan and China becomes, there isn't going to be a war. And by the way, if China did go to war with Japan - even if Japan did have a military - are you suggesting that the US wouldn't become entirely embroiled? Jesus, you're


Ha! Oh, I'm probably just one of those high nosed, politically correct liberals who are scared of naked women.

Dude, I hope you're being contrary for the sake of it and not actually battling this on principle. It's not unknown or uncommon for online votes to be rigged for humorous or subversive winners. It seems pretty likely that a porno almost making game of the year is in fact an attempt at rigging the vote, ie, voting for

I guess you'd be 'that guy' arguing it was artistic merit that got 'Big Breasted Prison Wardens Get Down And Dirty' the oscar for best screenplay if Oscars were open to the public vote.

Dude, rationalise your enjoyment of them any way you want, but they're game pornos. Pure and simple.

You. You are good. Very strong voice. Would have left out the 'winning' bit though. Otherwise, a good 9/10.

I've actually been thinking. It may not be a bad thing to make the character somewhat difficult to control. Although the tank controls are obviously awful and no one in their right mind wants them back, they undeniably did add tension to the originals.

You guys discussing the China-Japan island dispute are mental (and probably American). You're all quick to blame China, but it's really Abe and Nippon's new #1 right wing show offs!!!! who are stoking this fire.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh-hehehehehehe, Exparte sama.