This is actually a good thing.
This is actually a good thing.
Lol. Sega doesn't have fans.
Nice post.
Well... beats begging outside McDonalds.
But... But less clicks?
Me too!
I know it really isn't the point, but I can't help but think of fun that game looks.
Which is actually how I feel about soft porn magazines. I'm afraid it just doesn't fly when it comes to newspapers. I don't have any problem with The Sun continuing to use women in this way if they stop masquerading as a newspaper. They have a responsibility not to demean women as eye candy in a newspaper. It's just…
Er, it's got nothing to do with conservative America. A LOT of British people are unhappy about the utter objectification of women IN A NATIONAL NEWSPAPER. This isn't a porn magazine, or adult material, it's a NEWSPAPER. Why is there a topless woman in my newspaper everyday?
Surely time for Page 3 to be retired to the annals of history.
I think he makes it sound like a subculture, which, unsurprisingly then, it is.
Nah, I've been browsing his comments and I don't think he's really made any good points, so I haven't bothered replying. I've enjoyed reading yours, though! So just wanted to let you know!
Not quite. When I made my comment, it was following some guy who said he'd 'do' ANY Japanese woman over Lady Gaga.
Great post. I find it really disheartening when I see liberals sneer at Lady Gaga. She is, like her or not, a force of nature. A woman, a celebrity, who does everything for herself. She's not just a pussy to be marketed, and that in itself is brilliant. The fact she's also pushing liberal values in her campaigning and…
Haha. Amazing. Gotta love Lady Gaga.
Er, no. Not at all. Ever played Metal Gear Solid? No, no, no. Brooker's wrong on this. Boss fights hype the action, create a climax.
Er, if it's like the PS3, the updates are t optional.
When he body slams the kid, I just can't help cringe. It's like if the baby's head just so happens to hit that bed the wrong way, it's game over.
I think you should probably just leave it then. There's no getting round it: Persona 4's very much a coming of age story.