
Who would find your example racist?

Calling it racist is actually really offensive to the people who do suffer from racism every day.

Interesting that they've went with red for the colour scheme. Blue was 'cool', yellow was, well, 'mellow', and red is really in your face and intense. Red also means danger of courtesy, and it also gives the trailer a really claustrophobic feel- which I guess will fit with the slave theme. Should be interesting, if

Like Yakuza?

I'm totally with you. I'll be literally two years older when the game is finally released here. What a crazy long development time. Sad about this!

Sigh. Really disappointed in how long this is going to take.

I've heard people are using Chatroulette to show themselves nude. Maybe we should get that shut down.

Well that is interesting legally! You're definitely appropriating the property. I think it's theft. Who knows. Very interesting!

Jesus. That is the best thing I have ever seen.

This was the push I needed to get me interested in the Wii U. I think it looks amazing.

But I'm not judging your personality, I'm merely criticising the opinion you expressed.

With due respect, I'm really not trying to profile you. You've sort of hung yourself here, because your first post was so very to the point:

We're agreeing really, I'm just being pedantic as a law student!

Actually, I read the whole thing.

Unrelated but wow. It's absolutely bizarre to see that people in the comment section here think it's RIGHT that the video should be taken down because it featured KSI's content. I mean, aside from the fact that the law allows this under fair use (duh), isn't it bizarre to think people actually think fair use shouldn't

As a law student I would be very interested in seeing which part of his video was defamatory. I think you really do like KSI and don't like that someone is rightly criticising him.

Actually, you're wrong. The UK has very, very harsh defamation laws. The onus is on the defender, so if you can't prove your claims, you will be found liable. Doesn't matter anyway, Youtube is not the defamation police, and the douchebag guy isn't suing so it's entirely irrelevant.

I don't think thinking travesty means tragedy is a common thing.

Your point is ridiculous legally and on principle. Other users have pointed out why legally. Now on principle, you're suggesting it was right to remove the clip because the guy would be making money off of someone else's copyrighted material. That's patently absurd; the copyrighted material was used for demonstrable

The controversy aside, the amount of homophobic abuse that guy is getting on Twitter is quite saddening.