
Bloody click bait.

Putting aside the web design, the writing is of the highest quality in this field. Kotaku is up there, but Polygon just takes it to the next level. Sure, they scored the consoles, but Kotaku did their usual review for them, too. No biggie. Don't understand the Microsoft documentary thing you mentioned.

I wish Kotaku woulda top the click bait headlines. 'I saw something weird today...!', 'This guy has done something crazy...!', etc, etc. it's just annoying. You don't get that over at Polygon. Just tell me what the article's really about, and let me decide if I want to read it or not. You might get less clicks, but

Er, an iPhone or even an iPod Touch does a hell of a lot more than any Gameboy did.

I enjoyed Heavy Rain, but in retrospect, found it a bit lacking. Should I get Beyond?

Joyous to play and exploding with creativity, Mario Galaxy not only reinvigorated the Mario brand, it introduced a number of fascinating new mechanics, several of which were lifted by other games. In particular, it popularized the notion of a less essential co-op player with"Co-Star Mode," in which one player took on

Easily one of the most hyped Final Fantasy games of all time, XIII represented what looked like a turning point for the series. How would Final Fantasy make its (at the time) next-gen debut? What place did a JRPG have in the more and more action-focused gaming landscape? FFXIII was not without its merits, and has

Hideo Kojima's sprawling (and some would say overstuffed) opus Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots felt like it rang in the moment the PlayStation 3 "arrived." Here was a game, exclusive to Sony's console, that finally showed off what that extra horsepower, hard-drive space and blu-ray player were capable of. The

The sexed up ridiculous sniper for 'sexy cosplay', the dumping of David Hayter in favour of a Hollywood darling for 'realism', and now splitting the game in two 'for the fans'. Does Kojima have any integrity left?

I really don't get why they're even adding China's numbers in. I wonder how much the figure would be sans China.

I really don't like the constant complaints about difficulty on Kotaku. Games are supposed to be challenging.

Er, you do understand video games aren't real, right? That someone literally created that character? What is her purpose? To be sexually appealing. She's a parody of her gender. CREATED to entice men.

Perhaps your time would be better spent explaining your points than offering advice.

He's made good black characters, too, but if someone appears with black face, fans won't be trying to justify it by pointing that out.

Embarrassed to be a MGS fan right now... I really hope Kojima's going somewhere with this.

Everyone hail Kotaku's own white knight.

I had hoped I was clear in my post that I understood the intellectual immaturity of my comments. In my defence, anyway, I had no desire to refute you. You're an ideologue. People like you don't change your mind based on fact or evidence. So no, I just wanted to make sure you're very clear how strong your opinions are

Hahaha. YES!

Yeah, bit fucked up.

Don't get the joke of this one either.