
Hey. You're not going to get a lot of recommends, because this post is totally buried. But I just wanted to say it's the best one I've read in this conversation.

I think your comment inadvertently gets to the sad centre of what is happening here. Gamers have reflected on the media backlash games have gotten, and instead of just saying 'All the evidence says this is bullshit', they're scapegoating kids who play mature games when they're young, and their parents. Even although

I'm in my 20's, and a law student, 'dude'. It's not ratings I disagree with, it's the absurdity of the belief that because there are ratings they are inherently correct. Unquestionably so. That's ridiculous. I want to know the qualifications of someone who can censor my information.

I'm just going to play the devil's advocate here. Maybe your parents were the bad parents then. Kind of like of an underage kid is having sex, and a parent just keeps saying 'No, that's bad. God doesn't like that' whilst the kid keeps doing it. Maybe the better approach would have been 'Look, son. A lot happens in

Do you understand how common this fallacy is? 'Things were better in my day. It's all gone downhill. Kids these days." Well, no. Someone being stabbed to death, with explosions of blood, or decapitated, etc, is just as realistic as as someone sawing their own leg off. The context is irrelevant. Quite in fact, I'd

I'm not offering anecdotal evidence in place of sources, because I'm giving a reasoned argument - not factual statements. See the difference? The guy you're currently 'white knighting' for was pretty much making factual statements in a truistic manner without any evidence or even a line of reasoning. I was as polite

You're going to have to come back and explain your point. It's almost like you're suggesting Triumph of the Will caused the holocaust? It was merely propaganda, which is extremely dangerous when the media is being distorted and society is being manipulated by a fascistic overlord. How you get from there to 'playing

If it isn't just a video game, what is it? I mean I was watching mature rated movies back then too, and I managed to 'get through it'.

Perfectly reasoned argument, in my opinion. Can't really find anything to disagree with!

With respect, your comment may as well have just said 'ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME' for the dozen or so lines it went on for. It's just a load of 'My opinion on a factual matter is this...' without a single piece of evidence or line of reasoning to support it.

Well, no. I'm not leaving out. I'm not even thinking about it for the simple reason that your original comment is very clear in your premises: those who believe it's okay for the young to play mature video games; those who make sexist and misogynistic comments; the two are one and the same.

Fair point. But frankly, when I was playing Grand Theft Auto at that age, I wasn't processing it in any deep way. I wasn't thinking about the ramifications of running over a prostitute, because I wasn't even thinking of it on that level. This was a made-up world with made-up people, most of whom say the same thing

Yeah, for sure. It's mental and completely inconsistent.

I wish you were joking, but since you oh so obviously aren't, I'll sum up your comment for you. But like I said earlier, I can't argue against it. It's just that special level of stupid.

I see. Interesting to know.

I think you've missed the blatantly obvious sarcasm in my comment. It's unfortunate that I've had to point this out, as I think the effect is somewhat lost. Wouldn't you agree?

Why do you mention the content of the games anyway? Is it like a job requirement or something?

There may be a few mentally unstable adults who snap when they play violent video games, too. Should we should ban them all just in case? Everyone's entitled to an opinion, but we are not entitled to our own facts. And in this case, the facts are quite clear and there for all to see.

Ridiculous comments deserve ridiculous replies. Your point is beyond reductive; it can't actually be argued against seriously.

No, I actually didn't. I had parents who took it upon themselves to judge my maturity. They didn't lazily turn to arbitrary rating systems created by middle aged men with limited to no experience in psychology or developmental psychology. Maybe your lazy parents should have taken more of an interest in your cognisance