
And by the way, maybe the reason people are so quick to blame video games when they do some crazy shit is BECAUSE this sort of hysteria encourages society to think that violent video games do cause insanity. 'THE KID IS 11. HE MUST NOT SEE VIOLENCE OR HEAR SWEAR WORDS!!!!!!!! GOD HAVE MERCY, NO! NOOOOO!!!'

Yes, Grand Theft Auto invented misogyny. What?

Some of the reactions here are nothing short of hysterical.

It concerns me that you think it's criminally negligent when parents decide what their children are capable of understanding and comprehending rather than what a mysterious (and I use that word purposefully) board of censors think their children are capable of comprehending and understanding. More concerning still is

I was playing Grand Theft Auto when I was 11 and I didn't suffer bad parenting. Maybe kids are just more able to distinguish between fantasy and reality over here in Europe.

As a law student, can I just take this opportunity to thank you for exposing me to Google Scholar.

At some point, though, you just need to take the hint.

I think it's fairly naive to assume there's only a contractual relationship between consumer and producer in the creative field.

You really don't have to respect it. The fans will rightly feel sleighted by this, again killing the brand loyalty. A brand in desperate need of repair.

You didn't bother reading the article, did you?

I feel like we've all been spoiled because feminism fuck yeah. Shoulda had more faith in Kojima, it's blatantly obvious his Twitter is an extremely rough translation. I feel bad, I joined the choir of anger.

You're American, I presume?

Well that's fucking sad.

No, I didn't like it. But that's not my point. My point is this: there are hundreds of RPGs. You have a list of 20. Ni no Kuni is not one of the twenty out of the hundreds that you need to play.

If the poster's anything like me, it's because he or she thought Suda had some sort of substance, but with each consecutive game, it's become more and more apparent that he's willing to resort to overt sexism and repetitive slash tactics to hide that, in fact, he has no substance at all. All shine and tits does not a

Pointless murder and violence is bad so don't mention that staring at tits in a video game is bad, too! Totally pointless point for the win!

Wellll, that's pretty much me done with Suda 51. Remember when he used to seem like he had some sort of substance? The sexism seemed to have a point back then, hell, the hope he had some kinda point even made the awful game play bearable. But no, I'm cashing out. Won't be buying this one.

Yeah, and we know how well ignoring threats worked out for you...

I think you're right, and I agree with everything you've said. But I just don't need to be told that 500 times in the same way. I'm happy to just... read books.

There isn't much to really disagree with there, so I'd only like to add that th different branches of libertarianism do agree that there should be less government- but in specific areas. Some libertarians- typically American- deplore government and believe it's a great evil. Civil libertarians aren't convinced the