
How is it dumbed down? You think there aren't people who believe that? Can I suggest you're naive then? I'm a civil libertarian, myself, so don't lecture me on libertarianism. Most libertarians, not civil, are republicans. It's just the way it is. No doubt there's a poll on this - asking who libertarians agree more

Very good link. Thanks.

I guess you're right, I suppose I just assumed a certain tone from the title.

I read my comment back - I typed it on an iPad, it is a bit of a mess. I'll clarify.

I thought there was something unusual about this picture, and it's that the lady is black. You NEVER see pictures of black people doing cosplay. She looks great.

I just don't think it's as cool as the writer of this piece finds it.

Look, I love nebulous arguments, I even love when both sides are presented and sometimes the point is that issues are really complicated and one can't just take a side. But when you take no side in nearly every issue you're discussing, it becomes more 'education for idiots' than culturally relevant - in my opinion.

I agree with your assertions regarding the parties, however, we should note that the most notable, active libertarian in the world was a member of the GOP. At some point people priorities whether they went civil freedoms or laissez-faire economics, and very often the libertarians choose the latter.

Monologues which are always 'Let's just understand each other guys, both sides have a point'.

Did you honestly just say the point that the creators' beliefs being irrelevant to what they actually display is retarded? Look up argumentum ad hominem and specifically appealing to motive. I've listened to so many of Stand and Kyle's monologues now, that I've literally been brainwashed into not having an opinion on

The creators' personal beliefs are a bit irrelevant. The important aspect is what is represented in the show, and on EVERY issue, they simply show both sides and typically make no concrete assertion about which is right. It's tiresome and frankly not as brave as it likes to think. Really, it's a sheep in wolf's

That's just silly. And pretending an AMERICAN libertarian doesn't lean to the Republican side of the argument is just annoying. The way you pretend that the Democrats want to 'take care of everyone' like that's what's represented in the video is obnoxious, as well. Yes, Obama believes people shouldn't be allowed to

Wow, that was so cool! A game that attacks both sides and doesn't make any definitive statements other than 'politics is bad!!!' And 'All politics suck equally!!!' That's so... so brave! And so... well, so, cool! And it really teaches us something. The way it equivocates both sides of the argument! Wow! Those guys are

Her prior arguments about "choice" are rendered moot and confusing. All I ask for is some consistency and a willingness to admit that some choices weren't the best. Instead we get accusations that we don't understand her art and are ignorant plebes.

Well the fact is that even Muslim women are sexual. And they do have sexual urges. The burqa is not about a woman having no sexuality - it's about sharing her beauty with who she wants to share it to. Quite in fact, the way she talks about the woman 'behind the burqa' itself is a bit of a revolution for Americans on

Unrelated to Lady Gaga, I strongly disagree with 'cultural appropriation' arguments when they're used in this way. Art should be allowed to flourish, and if say I want to make a statement about the burqa by wearing it or singing about it or whatever, I should be allowed to do so. Someone who agrees with me is

You little monsters (I say you as you've made it abundantly clear in your verbose defenses of her that you're one of them) are unquestionably the most vitriolic


Again, I'm not going to combat your assertions about her crappy her albums are or aren't, it really is subjective as far as I'm concerned. However, I take issue with your belief she should just shut her mouth. Any liberal spokesperson pushing liberal values is perfectly fine, in my opinion. Particularly when they're

Indeed, apologies. However, the title of the article is there; a quick Google search will prove the veracity of my quote, if still required.