
I'm not going to get into an argument over the quality of her music - it's all subjective, and I'm really not particularly fussed about having that kind of discussion. But on your point that the criticism was actually that the album was generic and sub-par, well, uh, let's look at what the blogger said:

Indeed, this is true. She did generalise in her tweet. However, this is why I find this blog post annoying. Because you're absolutely right in that she did generalise in her tweet. And sure, one can use that to attack what she said, but with just a tiny bit of research, it would be clear how she actually felt about

I cringe when I know more about an issue than the blog or article I'm reading.

I'm stunned people would play a demo more than once. Rarely will I even play a demo.

No, I'm saying you're telling me that the X Box 360 doesn't matter, and I'm telling you it matters to the people Microsoft told they didn't give a fuck about. 'hey, you can't do our a internet shit? Well you're struck with the X Box 360, and now you'll need to pay $250 a year for a family of four. Suckers!'

Fuck the poor, yo.

Because Dubai is probably the single most luxurious place in the world.

Er, remind me. What was their advice again, for someone with a poor Internet connection?

Oh, Microsoft. You've let your greed get the better of you again.

Wow. Kate Nelson gets it. She gets irony. In our days it's so rare to see someone actually GET irony that this took me back a bit. Props to her.

You didn't... notice any... change in, uh... Ritsuko's character? Or, em, Misato's? Or, uh... Asuka's? Or Rei's? Shinji doesn't change because he, er, 'cannot advance'. That's the whole point.

I know this is old, but still!

Yeah, unfortunately it's not 2000 anymore. We're past the antiquated notion of 'Tolerance'. Most people understand that there's nothing disgusting about two people of the same sex in a relationship together.

So I completely take your point, but here in the UK there was a TV show in the 70s that used racial jokes as their punchlines- like, not ironically, just blatant racism. A lot of older people are fond of that TV show still, because it was funny and acceptable at the time. They also just don't see the big deal.

So because you aren't female you don't mind that women are demeaned in many games - just as long as they're given something that amuses them. No doubt you feel the same about racism in games. Like if every black character in games was a criminal or a bad guy or stupid - that'd be cool, just make games that cater to

That comment is so cringeworthy. 'Fuck, yeah, I'd totally play as a female Mario out, check how hot this bitch is, all hot co splaying as Mario'. That's pretty much the level of respect you've treated this issue with.

I'm not sure why that's an issue. Sure, it doesn't make Peach a gender role breaking character, but it does show her using what she knows (Peach, after all, being a 2-dimensional feminine princess) to try and escape. I don't think the answer is too pretend feminine women don't exist and thus feminine tropes must never

Is this life imitating emoticons?

Aha, they're some of the best!

This is... I don't... What?