
I thought it was very cool, but until that out-of-synch thing goes away with these devices, they're just not going to be common place. Nothing was more annoying than the Wii Remote pointer disappearing all the time, because it decided you were out of range. It seems this has issues like that, too, sadly.

Why is his nose an udder?

I don't think it tells the entire game's story or narrative either. I think it undeniably interferes with the tone of the game - and I hope that much is obvious. If you have a serious fight in the game, against some big monster or whatever, and it's about to kill you and suddenly she's posing in a bikini like a porn

You don't think that maybe the tone of the character is altered by the no doubt close ups on her tits, by the twirls, and 'cute' hand clasp that will exaggerate her breasts, and all the other typical tropes associated with demeaned female characters in Japanese media? You don't think that making her sex appeal a

Mate, if you can't see why literally making a female character's boobs bigger from one game to the next, whilst adding shiny new jiggly boob feature all but diminishes the character and is purely to appeal to horny teenage boys, then I don't know what else I can say to you.

I agree on the feminist point, but I disagree with solely attributing the sexualisation of women on the Japanese - as, you know, this is done everywhere, and not least in the west, where you can't turn on your television without being blasted with sexual imagery.

As naive as your comment is, I'll play. Can you tell me how common it is for adult women to shoot up a breast size without surgery? Or does this only happen when men make their breasts bigger in hope that the wobbly boobs will become a selling point - and if that masks a lack of story, well that's just a plus?

The important point is that they specifically have attempted to add a level of sexualisation to the character that wasn't there before. This is only done to appeal to male gamers - and purely on a level of sexuality. This, for obvious reasons, diminishes the character because it makes her sex appeal a selling point.

No, what's being implied here is that specifically attempting to sexualise a character whom was once used to appeal to male and female gamers alike solely because of her personality devalues and weakens her as an interesting and plausible strong female representation.

Yeah, Final Fantasy is pretty much roadkill at this point.

We agree. But words alone don't make a threat. There must be intent.

You're either for freedom of speech or you're against it. Equivocating on such matters as this, where people are saying horribly cruel things, with a motive of expressing anger and causing emotional hurt to another person (not an attempt to cause fear or alarm) is detrimental to free speech. Causing offence should not

No. These aren't actual threats. Just like saying to someone 'I hope you drop dead' or 'I'm going to fucking kill you' aren't actual threats. They're non-specific and common place Internet prose. This isn't going to be a police incident, I'm sure.

This AnnoyedGamer guy seems to want to be a downmarket Charlie Brooker. No wonder Fish is pissed off. He must be like 'This guy who's literally trying to make a career out of criticising people's personalities with witless rants is actually taking shots at me - ad hominem attacks'. I'd be pissed off too. The guy's

If I had known this was by Jenji Kohan, I'd have watched it a long time ago!

Then you'd be mad. In porn, story serves to enhance the sex; in art, sex exists to enhance the story.


I did. Until I watched Game of Thrones.

You should be admired for that post. It's very rare a troll admits to being a troll.

Sorry, I thought you were being reactionary so I didn't take you seriously and skim read your comment. Okay, lets see. I think when a story is developed from inception to be a saga or a trilogy that this obviously creates issues in balancing the story throughout the instalments, however, it's not in itself a doom. It